Saturday 16 August 2008


Where to begin? What to say? My life has been a whirlwind these last few weeks, trying to figure out what God really wants for me and what decisions he wants me to make. What truly is God's will for me at this time?
I've thought things were God's will, and thought that I was making the right decisions, but with more prayer and the wisdom of those who love me, I have realized that I haven't honestly been seeking what is the best for me. Not to say that my decisions have been bad, but at times they have been not been the very best that God has for me. It's been humbling to actually listen to what others have to say, and not just hear them. Taking into consideration the love and concern that has been shared with me has not always been easy, but I think that it will definitely be rewarding in the end.
I'm beginning to find myself, amidst the numerous masks that I have put on over the years. It's not easy to try to find yourself, especially when you aren't sure what you look like. I have to figure out what to strip away, what to hang on to, and how to become whole once again in my identity in Christ. I have started by identifying and declaring the truth of what God says about me. On my walls I have posted the "I Am's" that are true of me. I am not the I AM, but by the grace of God I am who I am. And I am on a new journey in discovering who that fully is, and how to make it fully alive in Christ!
Embark with me on this journey, please. I need help, and am now finally willing to humble myself and ask for it. I can't do it on my own. I need help. I give you permission to use the Bible as it is indented to teach, rebuke, correct, and train me in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).


P. Sherman 42 Where God Wants Me said...

Keep rock'n on Lindsey. I'm so excited to hear your desire to seek and only have God's will directing your moves and to strip away the masks that are not of Him. Keep seeking Him. It's a verse used all the time but here is some encouragement. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you! Continue to seek His mercy, to do justly, and to walk humbly with our Heavenly Papa!

Carissa said...

So glad to hear that you are growing in the lord!!!
love you tons!