Tuesday 28 April 2009


So, I realized that in the busyness of the last seven months, and the seemingly ever changing life I am currently living, I have not written some great stories of what God has done. I would like to rewind a bit, back to the end of October of last year... my journal entry for the 28th goes like this:

"I feel like I could jump out of my skin right now, I am so filled with joy and excitement! Yesterday, we heard where our main outreach locations are, and I know where I'm supposed to go! The story behind it is incredible too.
So, on Monday we found out our mini outreach teams (I'm going to Cheb), and on Monday night, Melody and I went to pray about mini outreach and also about where to go for main outreach. At one point I said, "God, I don't care where I go on outreach; I'll go anywhere! I just ask that you would speak to me tonight in my sleep, and tell me where you want me to go, because I really don't have any preferance, and I'll go wherever you want me to!" Later on, I asked Melody, "Wouldn't it be strange if  one of us felt led to go to some random country like...Bangladesh, and it wasn't on the list [they present to us tomorrow]?" I really didn't think too much of it because I wasn't even sure where Bangladesh was, and hadn't ever heard of an outreach team going there. 
So, as I was sleeping Monday night, I woke up four different times, each times hearing (audibly) "INDIA" so clearly. And two of the times I heard "Bangladesh" after "India".  I woke up Tuesday morning thinking how cool it was that I'd heard from God even before they [the DTS leaders] announced the locations, but I couldn't remember the 'B' country. I thought, "I guess I'll just put India as my choice if that an option, since I don't remember the other country." That morning at session we heard the outreach location: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, India, Nepal, Ethiopia, and Uganda. ...There will also be another team to India that won't be working with Pick A Pocket [as the Ethiopia and India hub teams will be]. After hearing that the main project would be creating a book for P.A.P. along with ministry, and that they wanted everyone's gifts too, even if it was not photography. ...Afterward I told Stephanie [my one-on-on, and the leader of the India hub team] that I really felt that was the team I should be apart of. She said, "That's cool, but just so you know this team will probably being splitting up and going outside of India, to Nepal and Bangladesh." I felt such a peace and confirmation, and explained to her what I believe God had spoken to me the night before! I am so excited to be apart of this team!..." 

As I look back on that day, it's such a blessing to know that I walked in obedience to God! I know I have been so blessed to have been apart of that outreach team, and my time in India and Bangladesh was definitely a blessing! I believe that the ramifications of God's voice to me that night are not fully complete, but it took the act of willingness to step into a team of photographers, give God what's in my hands, and expect Him to move! It is clear to me that He did on outreach, and I hope with the expectation of further fulfillment to return to India one day to continue the work of Christ! 

So, there is one story for now... I hope to continue sharing more details and specific stories from the last year, and my plans for what's next! 


1 comment:

Vicky said...

Thank you so much for sharing that story, Lindsey! I am so glad you're going to go back and share more stories, and I can't wait to read them.

Hope you're doing well! I'm praying for you :)