On December 9th, 2007 two staff members here at YWAM Denver were killed and two others injured from gunshots fired by a former student, who had returned to YWAM Denver and asked to stay the night. After being told that wasn't possible, he took out a gun and began shooting people. Tiffany Johnson and Phil Crouse were those who died from their injuries.
Today we celebrate the lives of Tiffany and Phil, and mourn their deaths. Though I never met either of them, I remember hearing about it when it happened. And having been here in the Spring, I was aware of it, and have many friends here that were close friends with them.
Here is the memorial video for Phil, and here's Tiffany's.
We also remember and grieve the loss of Matthew Murray's life, the shooter who fled from here after the shooting, and the next day went to New Life Church in Colorado Springs and killed several people, injured several more, and than took his own life. Matthew grew up in a Christian home, and his parents have continued to be supportive of YWAM Denver.
"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." 1 Corinthians 12:26
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Hope does not disappoint
August 29th I left Washington with less than $200, and drove with my twin to Minnesota in hope of heading to Colorado a month after that for the School of Social Justice. God provided for me all along the way during my road trip and while I was in Minnesota for three weeks. There was gas, food, lodging, etc that needed to be paid for and God continually provided each and every time.
September 24 I left Minnesota with money for the 15 hour drive, and $400 dollars for the SSJ. I arrived in Colorado hoping they would allow me to stay for the duration of the school, and believing that God was going to continue to come through for me.
It's now December 5th, the eleventh week of school, and all of my tuition (about $3500) and over half of my outreach (about $1800) has been paid for!!!! That's the God I serve. That is hope that does not disappoint.
In the last two days God has given me over $200... by way of me selling cookies and brownies, and by the generosity of others.
I graduate a week from Friday (on the 16th), and I need another $1400 by then in order to go on outreach. Our team plans to leave on the 29th for 7 weeks in Liberia, and I'm thrilled for this opportunity. I know God will provide for me... it's in His character/personality/nature as Jehovah Jireh (the God who provides). And regardless of if I go to Africa now or not, I won't really be disappointed because of the hope God has poured out in my life.
"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." - Romans 5;5
September 24 I left Minnesota with money for the 15 hour drive, and $400 dollars for the SSJ. I arrived in Colorado hoping they would allow me to stay for the duration of the school, and believing that God was going to continue to come through for me.
It's now December 5th, the eleventh week of school, and all of my tuition (about $3500) and over half of my outreach (about $1800) has been paid for!!!! That's the God I serve. That is hope that does not disappoint.
In the last two days God has given me over $200... by way of me selling cookies and brownies, and by the generosity of others.
I graduate a week from Friday (on the 16th), and I need another $1400 by then in order to go on outreach. Our team plans to leave on the 29th for 7 weeks in Liberia, and I'm thrilled for this opportunity. I know God will provide for me... it's in His character/personality/nature as Jehovah Jireh (the God who provides). And regardless of if I go to Africa now or not, I won't really be disappointed because of the hope God has poured out in my life.
"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." - Romans 5;5
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Guerrillas of Grace
Our teacher this week is president and co-founder of Love146, an organization that combats child sex slavery & exploitation with the unexpected and restore survivors with excellence, Rob Morris.
He shared with us a prayer from the book, Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder. I went online and found this prayer by him also:
plunge me deep into a sense of sadness
at the pain of my sisters and brothers
inflicted by war,
that I may learn again to cry as a child
until my tears baptize me
into a person who touches with care
those I now touch in prayer:
victims of violence
of greed,
of addictions;
prisoners in ghettos,
in old age,
in sexism;
people with broken bodies,
with broken hearts,
with broken lives,
whom I remember now in silence before you
because I have too often forgotten them
in the shuffle of my fretful busy-ness.
By Ted Loder (Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle)
He shared with us a prayer from the book, Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder. I went online and found this prayer by him also:
plunge me deep into a sense of sadness
at the pain of my sisters and brothers
inflicted by war,
that I may learn again to cry as a child
until my tears baptize me
into a person who touches with care
those I now touch in prayer:
victims of violence
of greed,
of addictions;
prisoners in ghettos,
in old age,
in sexism;
people with broken bodies,
with broken hearts,
with broken lives,
whom I remember now in silence before you
because I have too often forgotten them
in the shuffle of my fretful busy-ness.
By Ted Loder (Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle)
Friday, 4 November 2011
Kingdom Night & FIGS Ministries
Hey! Here is a short video made by a friend of mine (who is not presently in YWAM, but has been in the past, and is partnering with us in local ministry). Ethan lives in the Denver area, and started this ministry with some youth from his church, and I've been blessed to work alongside him in reaching out to the people of Denver.
Thursday, 27 October 2011
"Africa Mama..."
So... God totally lined it up for me to sell my car this weekend, and I got a check today for $3000.00 (more than I asked for in selling it). My dear friend Anya from SOW (YWAM School of Worship that I completed here in June), randomly came to the base (she isn't involved with YWAM presently) and I got a chance to talk to her briefly. In those few moments, she explained a slightly complicated situation in which she is needing a car by November first. This was Saturday night, and I told her how I had been thinking of selling me car, especially since I needed $3000 by Tuesday (yesterday) in order to go to Liberia for outreach. Long story short, she told me she was interested... I prayed with some friends for peace and confirmation (that this is how God wanted to provide for me), and then it ended up for Anya to get a loan through her bank and had it processed today!! I'm so thrilled to be apart of this amazing team! There is one leader, Jessa, who is also my SSJ assistant director, and 4 other students (so six total including me). Candace, Drea, and I are apart of SSJ, and Tori and Bob are in Phase II (SOMD - School of Ministry Development). This outreach is specifically for secondary students, so no DTS students are coming with us. And although there was originally about 20 people interested in going, God led the others in a different direction, and now it's just 6 of us.
I still need the rest of the funds for outreach, so please continue to pray for me, but I rejoice in God's provision of the rest of my tuition for lecture phase & the first portion of outreach. If you'd like to donate you can do so online: https://ywamdenver.org/payments/?student=1
On another note, please be in prayer for one of our school leaders, Cary. He is one of the first people to create and pioneer SSJ, and last week was diagnosed with having a cancerous tumor on his brain stem that is inoperable due to the sensitivity of the stem. He is being released from the hospital this evening, but will be starting chemo therapy and radiation in the next few days ahead. Please pray for complete healing of his body, opportunities for influence in hospital staffs' lives, and that his moral would continue to be optimistic (he has been so great emotionally through this, making jokes, laughing, etc).
In Christ's Joy,
I still need the rest of the funds for outreach, so please continue to pray for me, but I rejoice in God's provision of the rest of my tuition for lecture phase & the first portion of outreach. If you'd like to donate you can do so online: https://ywamdenver.org/payments/?student=1
On another note, please be in prayer for one of our school leaders, Cary. He is one of the first people to create and pioneer SSJ, and last week was diagnosed with having a cancerous tumor on his brain stem that is inoperable due to the sensitivity of the stem. He is being released from the hospital this evening, but will be starting chemo therapy and radiation in the next few days ahead. Please pray for complete healing of his body, opportunities for influence in hospital staffs' lives, and that his moral would continue to be optimistic (he has been so great emotionally through this, making jokes, laughing, etc).
In Christ's Joy,
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
YWAM Denver
It's been nearly a month since I last posted, and can't believe the time has already passed so quickly. This week concluded the 4th week of lecture phase here at YWAM Denver. I've been blown away by how much has happened in the last few weeks. It's incredible. God has done so much in my heart!!
I didn't know until I arrived here that there was an optional outreach at the end of the 3-month training phase for the School of Social Justice. After prayer and asking God for specific confirmation if and where I should go on outreach, God led me to go with the Liberia team for a 7-week outreach to help care for the poor and needy, and pioneer orphanages. I strongly believe God is leading me toward this, and that in His timing He will provide (see my last post if you have any doubts. :) )
Our leader is planning on buying our airline tickets to Liberia on Tuesday, and I still need about $3000 in order to pay for the rest of lecture phase, and put down the first payment for outreach. Please help support me in this, both through contending in prayer and by giving financially.
To make a payment online go to: https://ywamdenver.org/payments/?student=1
This will go directly to my account here at YWAM Denver. (for the school and date: School of Social Justice, Fall 2011)
You can also mail checks to:
Lindsey Diacogiannis
12750 W 63rd Ave
Arvada, CO 80004
Thanks so much!!!
I didn't know until I arrived here that there was an optional outreach at the end of the 3-month training phase for the School of Social Justice. After prayer and asking God for specific confirmation if and where I should go on outreach, God led me to go with the Liberia team for a 7-week outreach to help care for the poor and needy, and pioneer orphanages. I strongly believe God is leading me toward this, and that in His timing He will provide (see my last post if you have any doubts. :) )
Our leader is planning on buying our airline tickets to Liberia on Tuesday, and I still need about $3000 in order to pay for the rest of lecture phase, and put down the first payment for outreach. Please help support me in this, both through contending in prayer and by giving financially.
To make a payment online go to: https://ywamdenver.org/payments/?student=1
This will go directly to my account here at YWAM Denver. (for the school and date: School of Social Justice, Fall 2011)
You can also mail checks to:
Lindsey Diacogiannis
12750 W 63rd Ave
Arvada, CO 80004
Thanks so much!!!
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Jehovah Jireh, My Provider
I entitled this "Jehovah Jireh, My Provider" because it reminds me of a line to a song I heard a long time ago. Those are all the words I remember actually. It's sung more like, "jehovah jirah, my providah", so the words rhyme. :) It's rather silly in my head. But the truth of the matter is that God is Jehovah Jireh, my Provider! He always comes through in provision because it's in His nature to, and He can't contradict his nature. He not only provides financially, but He provides healing - physically, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, psychologically, etc! He provides relationships in place of loneliness. He provides education and jobs.
Tonight He showed His provision to me in more than one way. I went to a local college-age ministry tonight, and was so blessed. The message that was preached talked about how our lives bare fruit to the attitude of our hearts, and good trees bare good fruit and bad trees bare bad fruit (Luke 6:43-45). He also talked on the message from James 4, about faith and deeds. At the end of the message, the worship band came up and led us all in a few songs, but during the first song, the worship leader stopped us and encouraged us to really think about if our lives are baring good fruit, and to ask ourselves if we need to confess sin and if so to find someone and do that with. My heart had been stirred during the message, and I went to the speaker/pastor's wife and asked her to pray with me after confessing my sin (James 5:16).
God provided me a save person with whom to share my struggles with, and to receive prayer from. He provided me healing and forgiveness.
God also provided for me financially tonight. A young man (whom I've met twice before) came up to me and inquired about my intentions with YWAM, and what the school is like that I'll be starting next week. I shared with him about the school, and then further about my reasoning for pursuing this school, as well as my previous experience with YWAM, as he hopes to travel with YWAM in the future. We had a great conversation, and at the end he told me he had something to give me. I was surprised. I hardly knew him, except for a few encounters. He handed me an envelope, and I politely tucked it into my purse, telling him I'd open it later. I had no idea what he had for me.
Later I got into my car and opened the envelope. Inside was a well-written letter in which he expressed his thanks for my praying over him last week on behalf of his brother (who had spinal surgery today). Between the folds of the letter were four crisp $100 bills. I was absolutely astonished!!! WOW!! $400!!! What an incredible testimony to God's provision. This guy knew hardly anything about what it was I was going to, and yet responded to what the Lord had put on his heart! Joseph, I am so thankful, and beyond words. THANK YOU!! My prayer is that you are blessed in return, and many times over!! Thank you for being obedient to what God laid on your heart. Thank you for believing in me, and what God is calling me into. Thank you for sharing your heart for the nations. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jehovah Jireh! The God who provides!!! I am incredibly blessed. Thanks God! You're the best.
Tonight He showed His provision to me in more than one way. I went to a local college-age ministry tonight, and was so blessed. The message that was preached talked about how our lives bare fruit to the attitude of our hearts, and good trees bare good fruit and bad trees bare bad fruit (Luke 6:43-45). He also talked on the message from James 4, about faith and deeds. At the end of the message, the worship band came up and led us all in a few songs, but during the first song, the worship leader stopped us and encouraged us to really think about if our lives are baring good fruit, and to ask ourselves if we need to confess sin and if so to find someone and do that with. My heart had been stirred during the message, and I went to the speaker/pastor's wife and asked her to pray with me after confessing my sin (James 5:16).
God provided me a save person with whom to share my struggles with, and to receive prayer from. He provided me healing and forgiveness.
God also provided for me financially tonight. A young man (whom I've met twice before) came up to me and inquired about my intentions with YWAM, and what the school is like that I'll be starting next week. I shared with him about the school, and then further about my reasoning for pursuing this school, as well as my previous experience with YWAM, as he hopes to travel with YWAM in the future. We had a great conversation, and at the end he told me he had something to give me. I was surprised. I hardly knew him, except for a few encounters. He handed me an envelope, and I politely tucked it into my purse, telling him I'd open it later. I had no idea what he had for me.
Later I got into my car and opened the envelope. Inside was a well-written letter in which he expressed his thanks for my praying over him last week on behalf of his brother (who had spinal surgery today). Between the folds of the letter were four crisp $100 bills. I was absolutely astonished!!! WOW!! $400!!! What an incredible testimony to God's provision. This guy knew hardly anything about what it was I was going to, and yet responded to what the Lord had put on his heart! Joseph, I am so thankful, and beyond words. THANK YOU!! My prayer is that you are blessed in return, and many times over!! Thank you for being obedient to what God laid on your heart. Thank you for believing in me, and what God is calling me into. Thank you for sharing your heart for the nations. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jehovah Jireh! The God who provides!!! I am incredibly blessed. Thanks God! You're the best.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Giving Anonymously
Apparently the link that I posted before for Giving Anonymously hasn't been working. My apologies for those of you who've tried to give.
Here is a new link that should work:
give to Lindsey
Here is a new link that should work:
give to Lindsey
Minnesota means time with my sisters. Minnesota means trusting Jesus. Minnesota means spending time with new friends. And meeting up with old friends.
My time over the last two weeks has been so incredibly blessed here in Minnesota. I drove out here on August 29-30th with my twin, Carissa. She is spending the remainder of her "ministry sabbatical" here, and I'm visiting for another two weeks until I head back to Denver, CO for another YWAM school.
Minnesota means getting to celebrate my older sister's 26th birthday. Minnesota means riding the "log drop" at the Mall of America. Minnesota means pizza. A lot of pizza.
We've visited a couple churches with Cassie and her husband, Dean. I've gone on some motorcycle rides, swam in a lake, cuddled with a kitten, gone on walks at parks... Kickball and croquet have definitely been a highlight! :)
This weekend has been so rich!! On Friday night Dean, Carissa and I planned a surprise party for Cassie. Saturday was filled with fellowship, ministry, prayer, prophecy, and a deep revelation of God's love. Les Coombs (a pastor in the healing rooms at Bethel church in Redding, CA) was staying with the family that I've been living with, and led us in such a powerful time of teaching, etc. I was inspired, activated, encouraged, healed, and so affirmed. Yesterday I went with Dean, Cassie, Carissa and two friends Cody and Ethan to a church near "the cities", then adventured further south to the Mall of America. Then last night, I met up with my dear friend, Bethany, who was my small group leader when I did the YWAM DTS in Herrnhut, Germany. We stayed up until nearly 1am talking about all that God had done in our lives over the last 2.5 years since we'd last seen each other. The stories she told were so amazing - my mind was stretched and my spirit moved.
Minnesota means Jamba Juice and Bruegger's Bagels for breakfast. Minnesota means reading books. Minnesota means taking photos. Minnesota means hot and humid summer making way for crisp fall.
Minnesota is meaningful.
My time over the last two weeks has been so incredibly blessed here in Minnesota. I drove out here on August 29-30th with my twin, Carissa. She is spending the remainder of her "ministry sabbatical" here, and I'm visiting for another two weeks until I head back to Denver, CO for another YWAM school.
Minnesota means getting to celebrate my older sister's 26th birthday. Minnesota means riding the "log drop" at the Mall of America. Minnesota means pizza. A lot of pizza.
We've visited a couple churches with Cassie and her husband, Dean. I've gone on some motorcycle rides, swam in a lake, cuddled with a kitten, gone on walks at parks... Kickball and croquet have definitely been a highlight! :)
This weekend has been so rich!! On Friday night Dean, Carissa and I planned a surprise party for Cassie. Saturday was filled with fellowship, ministry, prayer, prophecy, and a deep revelation of God's love. Les Coombs (a pastor in the healing rooms at Bethel church in Redding, CA) was staying with the family that I've been living with, and led us in such a powerful time of teaching, etc. I was inspired, activated, encouraged, healed, and so affirmed. Yesterday I went with Dean, Cassie, Carissa and two friends Cody and Ethan to a church near "the cities", then adventured further south to the Mall of America. Then last night, I met up with my dear friend, Bethany, who was my small group leader when I did the YWAM DTS in Herrnhut, Germany. We stayed up until nearly 1am talking about all that God had done in our lives over the last 2.5 years since we'd last seen each other. The stories she told were so amazing - my mind was stretched and my spirit moved.
Minnesota means Jamba Juice and Bruegger's Bagels for breakfast. Minnesota means reading books. Minnesota means taking photos. Minnesota means hot and humid summer making way for crisp fall.
Minnesota is meaningful.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Giving Anonymously
Hey friends!
So I have had some people ask about how to donate to me going to YWAM, and I have set up an account with "Giving Anonymously", a non-profit organization facilitating generosity between people.
This is a safe way to give and run by some people that I've met who live in Bellingham, WA. For more information about them, visit their website: www.givinganon.org
Thanks for your support in this season! I look forward to sharing the amazing ways God provides and what He does in and with me this season!!
Walking with Jesus,
So I have had some people ask about how to donate to me going to YWAM, and I have set up an account with "Giving Anonymously", a non-profit organization facilitating generosity between people.

This is a safe way to give and run by some people that I've met who live in Bellingham, WA. For more information about them, visit their website: www.givinganon.org
Thanks for your support in this season! I look forward to sharing the amazing ways God provides and what He does in and with me this season!!
Walking with Jesus,
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
The Adventure Continues
So... obviously it's been more than a couple weeks since I last updated, but I have a moment and so, will share a bit of where I'm heading these days. :)
I've been home (in Washington) for about a month now, and it has been such an interesting time. God has continued to prove Himself faithful in so many ways. Pretty soon upon being home, I was faced with several challenges - both personally and in my family. It has been quite the adventure. And speaking of adventure, I went down to Oregon last week for my older sister's wedding, and ended up staying 4 extra days, resting in the Lord and processing all that He has been doing in my heart. Each day I just asked the Lord what He had for me, and He led me through healing, prayer, and intercession, as well as opportunities to talk with others and share the stories of what God has been doing in and through me. It was a much needed time of relaxing and rest. From Bend, I spent two days on the Washington peninsula with my amazing friends/mentors Marc and Lydia, and two gals Rhiannon and Sharon. In all that I had been processing in Oregon, I knew God was taking me into a time of rebuilding the walls of truth in my life, and repairing that which has been damaged, compromised, and even destroyed. My time in Denver for the School of Worship was a much needed time, in which God took me to deeper levels of intimacy in our relationship. In coming home, I had to walk through difficult situations, in the necessary process of becoming whole. At any rate, I felt God was leading me to a new place of residence, even before I head back to Denver. This was confirmed to me Friday morning when I received a text from my dad informing me that I needed to find a new place to live, and couldn't live at home anymore. I returned home today, and plan to pack up the rest of my things in the next couple days and head to Olympia to live with Rhiannon there. I am praying for God's grace and favor over my finances so that I can head back to Denver for the School of Social Justice starting the end of September. This three-month program will give me a greater understanding of area of injustice in society across the world. We will explore topics such as human trafficking & the sex industry, injustice as it’s related to refugees & immigration, urban injustice & poverty, injustice towards those with HIV/AIDS, and others. We will be equipped with information and tools in how to establish God’s justice in these areas, and what ministries and organizations are already working to accomplish this. All throughout SOW, God told me that He has already prepared the provision for what He is taking me into. And maybe you are apart of what He has been preparing. Through this school I hope to gain a clearer vision and direction for what area of injustice He would have be bring His Kingdom, and how I can incorporate music into this. It is my hope that you will see and believe in the calling God has on my life, and tithe toward that in helping me raise the funds necessary for the SSJ.
During the SOW, we had the amazing privilege of being able to record and produce a CD of songs that the 11 of us students wrote during the school. I am selling this CD for a suggested donation of $10. It is a very well done, 11-track CD produced by Launchpad Records. There are also other ways you can support me in this next season - monthly support, one-time gift, having me come speak at your church/small/youth group, commissioning me to play music at an event, etc.
Well... it's a bit messy, but it's a brief update of life for me! :)
Walking with Jesus,
For donations you can send checks to:
Lindsey Diacogiannis
1509 Liberty Street
Lynden, WA 98264
I'm working on getting online donating working, and will update soon. :) Thanks
I've been home (in Washington) for about a month now, and it has been such an interesting time. God has continued to prove Himself faithful in so many ways. Pretty soon upon being home, I was faced with several challenges - both personally and in my family. It has been quite the adventure. And speaking of adventure, I went down to Oregon last week for my older sister's wedding, and ended up staying 4 extra days, resting in the Lord and processing all that He has been doing in my heart. Each day I just asked the Lord what He had for me, and He led me through healing, prayer, and intercession, as well as opportunities to talk with others and share the stories of what God has been doing in and through me. It was a much needed time of relaxing and rest. From Bend, I spent two days on the Washington peninsula with my amazing friends/mentors Marc and Lydia, and two gals Rhiannon and Sharon. In all that I had been processing in Oregon, I knew God was taking me into a time of rebuilding the walls of truth in my life, and repairing that which has been damaged, compromised, and even destroyed. My time in Denver for the School of Worship was a much needed time, in which God took me to deeper levels of intimacy in our relationship. In coming home, I had to walk through difficult situations, in the necessary process of becoming whole. At any rate, I felt God was leading me to a new place of residence, even before I head back to Denver. This was confirmed to me Friday morning when I received a text from my dad informing me that I needed to find a new place to live, and couldn't live at home anymore. I returned home today, and plan to pack up the rest of my things in the next couple days and head to Olympia to live with Rhiannon there. I am praying for God's grace and favor over my finances so that I can head back to Denver for the School of Social Justice starting the end of September. This three-month program will give me a greater understanding of area of injustice in society across the world. We will explore topics such as human trafficking & the sex industry, injustice as it’s related to refugees & immigration, urban injustice & poverty, injustice towards those with HIV/AIDS, and others. We will be equipped with information and tools in how to establish God’s justice in these areas, and what ministries and organizations are already working to accomplish this. All throughout SOW, God told me that He has already prepared the provision for what He is taking me into. And maybe you are apart of what He has been preparing. Through this school I hope to gain a clearer vision and direction for what area of injustice He would have be bring His Kingdom, and how I can incorporate music into this. It is my hope that you will see and believe in the calling God has on my life, and tithe toward that in helping me raise the funds necessary for the SSJ.
During the SOW, we had the amazing privilege of being able to record and produce a CD of songs that the 11 of us students wrote during the school. I am selling this CD for a suggested donation of $10. It is a very well done, 11-track CD produced by Launchpad Records. There are also other ways you can support me in this next season - monthly support, one-time gift, having me come speak at your church/small/youth group, commissioning me to play music at an event, etc.
Well... it's a bit messy, but it's a brief update of life for me! :)
Walking with Jesus,
For donations you can send checks to:
Lindsey Diacogiannis
1509 Liberty Street
Lynden, WA 98264
I'm working on getting online donating working, and will update soon. :) Thanks
Friday, 3 June 2011
A Not-So-Quiet Miracle
Wow! I can't even fully express the extend of my shock, gratitude, thankfulness, and complete astonishment! On Tuesday night, I returned to the base and some of the students told me that Jeannine (a student in Phase II) was looking for me. She informed me that there was something for me on my bed.
A while later, I went and found a $15 St*rbucks card on my bed! I was so thrilled and blessed. The next morning, in corporate worship, I thanked Jeannine for it, but was told not to thank her. That she was just the "gift barer"; that it was from someone who wanted to remain anonymous.
Last night while relaxing on bed, Jeannine came in my room with another gift. She handed me a visa gift card, that on the front said it could have between $20-$500. I turned it over, and it said "To: Lindsey, From: God, Amount: $500.00"!!!! To say I was shocked is an understatement! I was flabbergasted! Was I really holding a visa gift card, for ME, with $500 on it!!! Wow. Wow. Wow.
Thank you, Jesus!!! I am totally blessed, and am praying about how to wisely use this money. I have a few ideas, but am asking God to direct me. :)
just wanted to share this with you all, and encourage you to continue to trust God and believe for His provision! He is the God who provides!
A while later, I went and found a $15 St*rbucks card on my bed! I was so thrilled and blessed. The next morning, in corporate worship, I thanked Jeannine for it, but was told not to thank her. That she was just the "gift barer"; that it was from someone who wanted to remain anonymous.
Last night while relaxing on bed, Jeannine came in my room with another gift. She handed me a visa gift card, that on the front said it could have between $20-$500. I turned it over, and it said "To: Lindsey, From: God, Amount: $500.00"!!!! To say I was shocked is an understatement! I was flabbergasted! Was I really holding a visa gift card, for ME, with $500 on it!!! Wow. Wow. Wow.
Thank you, Jesus!!! I am totally blessed, and am praying about how to wisely use this money. I have a few ideas, but am asking God to direct me. :)
just wanted to share this with you all, and encourage you to continue to trust God and believe for His provision! He is the God who provides!
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Quiet Miracles
Quiet miracles. Like I mentioned in the previous post, God has been showing me how to express gratitude even in the small things, the quiet miracles. Here are a few of them that I've experienced in the last 6 weeks:
1) A check (that equalled the remaining amount due for tuition) that was left on the bunk I chose in my room
2) I was in need of toothpaste for about a week, and had been using some of my roommates'. On May 7th, I went to a festival in downtown Denver, and there was a booth about oral hygiene and they were giving out toothbrushes and toothpaste. So not only did God provide toothpaste for me, but also two new toothbrushes!
3) Upon God's prompting I shared the last provision in our all-base worship time, attributing thanks to God for how He was providing, and declaring my trust for His continued provision - in money for laundry, cell phone bill, car insurance, gas, etc. Later that day, 5 people offered to help out with my laundry, I received 2 anonymous donations of $20, and a check for $50. WOW!!! My friend Yi Rang, also filled up my gas tank!
4) Quality time with a girl in my school who I'd been wanting to get to know better!
5) Prompting and confirmation to do something God's been challenging me to do.
6) Deeper friendship with the girls in my school (as I'm pretty close to a few staff members, but was praying to go deeper with girls in my school). God blessed me with times of one-on-one with several of the girls this past week!
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
1) A check (that equalled the remaining amount due for tuition) that was left on the bunk I chose in my room
2) I was in need of toothpaste for about a week, and had been using some of my roommates'. On May 7th, I went to a festival in downtown Denver, and there was a booth about oral hygiene and they were giving out toothbrushes and toothpaste. So not only did God provide toothpaste for me, but also two new toothbrushes!
3) Upon God's prompting I shared the last provision in our all-base worship time, attributing thanks to God for how He was providing, and declaring my trust for His continued provision - in money for laundry, cell phone bill, car insurance, gas, etc. Later that day, 5 people offered to help out with my laundry, I received 2 anonymous donations of $20, and a check for $50. WOW!!! My friend Yi Rang, also filled up my gas tank!
4) Quality time with a girl in my school who I'd been wanting to get to know better!
5) Prompting and confirmation to do something God's been challenging me to do.
6) Deeper friendship with the girls in my school (as I'm pretty close to a few staff members, but was praying to go deeper with girls in my school). God blessed me with times of one-on-one with several of the girls this past week!
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
I know it's not November, when the topic of thanksgiving is more often brought up, but this has been a great theme in my school. The very first week, we were challenged to have a "thankfulness" page, where we could turn to and write down things that came to mind that we are thankful for. Some of the things written down were these:
green grass
clean water
But we were also challenged to go deeper. If we didn't have the luxuries of our lifestyles right now; if we were locked in a dark place being persecuted for our faith, what would we - what would I - be thankful for? Our teacher that week, Mary Jane Powers, asked us to write down heart conditions and the transformation that took place upon receiving Christ's redemption. What did I move from? To? And what Bible verse can express this?
liberation from strongholds to being aligned with the Spirit - 2 Corinthians 10:5
from defensiveness to allowing God to be my vindication - Isaiah 50:7-8
from a wall/prison to safety in Christ's grace - Psalm 84:11-12
My heart has contiued to be awakened to a lifestyle of gratitude. I am learning to continually attribute even the small things, the "quiet miracle", to God, and out of the overflow of my heart joy is expressed!
green grass
clean water
But we were also challenged to go deeper. If we didn't have the luxuries of our lifestyles right now; if we were locked in a dark place being persecuted for our faith, what would we - what would I - be thankful for? Our teacher that week, Mary Jane Powers, asked us to write down heart conditions and the transformation that took place upon receiving Christ's redemption. What did I move from? To? And what Bible verse can express this?
liberation from strongholds to being aligned with the Spirit - 2 Corinthians 10:5
from defensiveness to allowing God to be my vindication - Isaiah 50:7-8
from a wall/prison to safety in Christ's grace - Psalm 84:11-12
My heart has contiued to be awakened to a lifestyle of gratitude. I am learning to continually attribute even the small things, the "quiet miracle", to God, and out of the overflow of my heart joy is expressed!
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Here at YWAM Denver, there is a multicultural DTS (Discipleship Training School) that has a focus on South Korean students. South Korea is the 2nd sending nation for Christian missionaries, and the YWAM bases there have waiting lists for their DTSes. YWAM Denver has made a point to partner with South Korea to train young Christian leaders, by providing a DTS that has Korean translation.
Over the last 6 weeks I have made many Korean friends, and one of my closest is Yi Rang, who is on staff for the MCDTS.
In a couple of our times of intercession (praying on behalf of others), we prayed for the nation of North Korea. It is such an isolated country, and I really knew very little about it before this week. Even Christians in South Korea have an apathetic, and sometimes resentful heart towards North Koreans. But, the Korean students and leaders here have helped us get a glimpse of their culture, and all of our hearts have been softened to the devastation of North Korea's current condition. We are believing for a miraculous revival to come, and I have faith that as we've been fervent to pray this week, God is hearing our cries and pouring out His Spirit on that nation.
Please watch this video and allow God to give you a heart to see change in North Korea also. Please pray for revival and that spiritual strongholds will be broken and demolished by the power and love of Jesus.
Over the last 6 weeks I have made many Korean friends, and one of my closest is Yi Rang, who is on staff for the MCDTS.
In a couple of our times of intercession (praying on behalf of others), we prayed for the nation of North Korea. It is such an isolated country, and I really knew very little about it before this week. Even Christians in South Korea have an apathetic, and sometimes resentful heart towards North Koreans. But, the Korean students and leaders here have helped us get a glimpse of their culture, and all of our hearts have been softened to the devastation of North Korea's current condition. We are believing for a miraculous revival to come, and I have faith that as we've been fervent to pray this week, God is hearing our cries and pouring out His Spirit on that nation.
Please watch this video and allow God to give you a heart to see change in North Korea also. Please pray for revival and that spiritual strongholds will be broken and demolished by the power and love of Jesus.
Monday, 25 April 2011
Life in Denver
The past few weeks have been so amazing here in Arvada. God is rocking my world, and I'm learning a lot. This is a brief update...as it is late and I need sleep.
The first week of teaching was on the Biblical Foundation of Worship, and was taught by an incredible woman of God named Mary Jean. She really pounded in the truth, and trained us in being students of the Word in order to being able to present a pure and acceptable offering of worship to God. One thing she said that really stuck with me was that I need to go beyond just being challenged, but I need to allow myself to be changed.
Last week was an incredible blessing!! Caleb and Erin Paxton (http://ywammusic.net/profile/eineblume) taught on the topic of songwriting. They encouraged us to look beyond the form of the music, and recognize the spirit behind it. I was also given very practical assignments that helped me write creatively, and that I will be able to use in the future as well. I can't express how much these two (and their lovely daughter, Blessed Aisling) have impacted me. They are incredibly beautiful people!!
I have been making a lot of friends, and so enjoy community life here. One thing that is very different from my DTS (besides that my current school is 1/8th of the size), is that there are several schools going on at the same time, but our meals, work duties, worship time, intercession groups, etc are all together as a community. There are two DTSes going on, a School of Ministry Development (also known as Phase II), and my school - the SOW. One of the DTSes is a multi-culture DTS, and a majority of the students are from South Korea. All around the base there are little posters to help us learn Korean. :) It's been fun to get to know other students, as well as try to learn a few phrases.
Also... each week (or maybe it's every-other week) the YWAM base posts a "videocast" on their youtube page with updates along the way of what we are doing. I was on last weeks video cast, so check it out. :)
The first week of teaching was on the Biblical Foundation of Worship, and was taught by an incredible woman of God named Mary Jean. She really pounded in the truth, and trained us in being students of the Word in order to being able to present a pure and acceptable offering of worship to God. One thing she said that really stuck with me was that I need to go beyond just being challenged, but I need to allow myself to be changed.
Last week was an incredible blessing!! Caleb and Erin Paxton (http://ywammusic.net/profile/eineblume) taught on the topic of songwriting. They encouraged us to look beyond the form of the music, and recognize the spirit behind it. I was also given very practical assignments that helped me write creatively, and that I will be able to use in the future as well. I can't express how much these two (and their lovely daughter, Blessed Aisling) have impacted me. They are incredibly beautiful people!!
I have been making a lot of friends, and so enjoy community life here. One thing that is very different from my DTS (besides that my current school is 1/8th of the size), is that there are several schools going on at the same time, but our meals, work duties, worship time, intercession groups, etc are all together as a community. There are two DTSes going on, a School of Ministry Development (also known as Phase II), and my school - the SOW. One of the DTSes is a multi-culture DTS, and a majority of the students are from South Korea. All around the base there are little posters to help us learn Korean. :) It's been fun to get to know other students, as well as try to learn a few phrases.
Also... each week (or maybe it's every-other week) the YWAM base posts a "videocast" on their youtube page with updates along the way of what we are doing. I was on last weeks video cast, so check it out. :)
Sunday, 10 April 2011
YWAM Denver
Last Monday, I arrived in Arvada (a suburb of Denver) for the YWAM School of Worship. I am so blessed to be here, and am really enjoying getting to know the people in my school, as well as the others on the base (campus). Here's an update of the last week:
Miracles are already happening! The first day I arrived I was choosing a bunk in my room, and just decided on one top bunk. As I was climbing up onto it, I noticed something on the headboard, and found a check! It was left by a previous student, and was written out for $150, but the "payable to" line was blank. :) Up until that point I didn't have all my tuition for the school, but was overjoyed and so blessed to find that check for me. God's faithfulness is astounding!
In addition to the SOW, there are three other schools happening at the base (campus), and it's been really great to be apart of the community here. There are 11 students in my school, 9 girls and 2 guys. Some of our teaching sessions are all together as a base. This week has mostly been an introduction to the base (history of YWAM Denver, base manual, etc), and getting to know each other. Next week, things should start falling more into a regular routine. We already have our first song writing assignment for the SOW, and I'm pretty excited about it.
On Thursday night a group of us from the base went to a church about 45 min south of here, to hear Bill Johnson (pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA) speak at a healing conference. It was very powerful, and God spoke to me about some very impacting things relating to hosting the Holy Spirit, and walking in awareness of His presence. He also talked about honoring when others recognize the Spirit, even if we don't "feel" it or sense Him yet. It was very powerful, and at the end Bill had a word of knowledge about people needing physical healing. We didn't stay the entire time, but when we left i know that over 60 people had experienced healing in their body! Praise God!
I'm hoping that about once I week I will be able to send these updates and let you know what God is doing. I'd love to hear from you as well, if you want to let me know what I can pray for or share what God is teaching/revealing to you!
Prayer requests/Praise reports:
1) I have had a really sore throat and a bad cough for over a week now. The air is really dry here, and I would really like to be totally healthy, especially since this effect my voice.
2) Please pray for one of my school leaders (Andrew, and his wife Rachel), their 3 month old son, Levi, has been really sick lately and had to be hospitalized the other day. I'm not sure all that is going on, but it's hard on both of them, and for Andrew to be pulled away to that while trying to staff the SOW.
3) Praise God for team unity in our school, and how much we have already been bonding with each other. God has really blessed us with being able to be vulnerable with each other, and stand in the gap for each other's needs (not only through prayer, but 2 girls also offered to help out one of the guys in our school who has feeling a lot of financial stress).
Miracles are already happening! The first day I arrived I was choosing a bunk in my room, and just decided on one top bunk. As I was climbing up onto it, I noticed something on the headboard, and found a check! It was left by a previous student, and was written out for $150, but the "payable to" line was blank. :) Up until that point I didn't have all my tuition for the school, but was overjoyed and so blessed to find that check for me. God's faithfulness is astounding!
In addition to the SOW, there are three other schools happening at the base (campus), and it's been really great to be apart of the community here. There are 11 students in my school, 9 girls and 2 guys. Some of our teaching sessions are all together as a base. This week has mostly been an introduction to the base (history of YWAM Denver, base manual, etc), and getting to know each other. Next week, things should start falling more into a regular routine. We already have our first song writing assignment for the SOW, and I'm pretty excited about it.
On Thursday night a group of us from the base went to a church about 45 min south of here, to hear Bill Johnson (pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA) speak at a healing conference. It was very powerful, and God spoke to me about some very impacting things relating to hosting the Holy Spirit, and walking in awareness of His presence. He also talked about honoring when others recognize the Spirit, even if we don't "feel" it or sense Him yet. It was very powerful, and at the end Bill had a word of knowledge about people needing physical healing. We didn't stay the entire time, but when we left i know that over 60 people had experienced healing in their body! Praise God!
I'm hoping that about once I week I will be able to send these updates and let you know what God is doing. I'd love to hear from you as well, if you want to let me know what I can pray for or share what God is teaching/revealing to you!
Prayer requests/Praise reports:
1) I have had a really sore throat and a bad cough for over a week now. The air is really dry here, and I would really like to be totally healthy, especially since this effect my voice.
2) Please pray for one of my school leaders (Andrew, and his wife Rachel), their 3 month old son, Levi, has been really sick lately and had to be hospitalized the other day. I'm not sure all that is going on, but it's hard on both of them, and for Andrew to be pulled away to that while trying to staff the SOW.
3) Praise God for team unity in our school, and how much we have already been bonding with each other. God has really blessed us with being able to be vulnerable with each other, and stand in the gap for each other's needs (not only through prayer, but 2 girls also offered to help out one of the guys in our school who has feeling a lot of financial stress).
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
We often hear the phrase "trust me", but in those situations is it really a matter of trusting?
This week, I heard those words for my Papa, God. And this time it really is a matter of deep conviction to trust. Now, I usually associate the words "faith" and "trust" with each other, because a lot of times in matters of trust, there is faith involved, and vise versa.
Last Friday I received a text message from a friend, with a web address attached, and the words "I'm going"... The url wasn't specific in the nature of the site, so I figured it must be a conference or something. She also stated that she wasn't sure how she would afford it, but that she had registered, and was trusting God to provide for what He told her to do. Immediately I felt a tug on my heart. I knew God was asking me to be the one to help bring this about for her. Thinking it was simply a conference or something (nothing to expensive right?), I mentally agreed to help with the costs of it.
It was a busy day, and I didn't end up looking up the website until later that night, and what I found was profoundly different than what I had been expecting. This was not just a weekend conference, this was a trip - possibly costing several hundreds to thousands of dollars. I didn't see anything about how much it cost to go on one of the trips, but I did hear God tell me a dollar amount that I was supposed to give to this friend. I questioned God. For two days. "Are you really sure that amount, God?" "I could maybe do half that..?!?" He was asking me to give roughly a third of my bank account (that I have been so diligently trying to build up in preparation for YWAM). Deep breath. "okay, God."
Since the beginning of January (around the time of my car accident), God had been continually speaking to me one simply word. "Manna". Over and over again, I heard Him speaking to me about trusting Him with TODAY. "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of its own" (Matthew 6:34). Again and again, I trusted him; with my health, where I was going to live, finances for YWAM, the turning of events when the school in Montana got postponed, redirection and then the letdown of not getting to move to Germany, etc. But this, this was a HUGE step.
"Do you trust me?", I heard God asked once again. "Do you believe that I will take care of your tomorrows?" I tried to reason with God, "But... there's only a month until the SOW in Denver starts, and I still have a lot of money to raise". "Than that's a lot of tomorrows you're going to have to trust me with", I heard God reply.
Another deep breath.
Sunday came. My pastor has been going through the book of Exodus "until God says to stop", and this week he was teaching on tithing, using the example of the Isrealites need to trust God, and His provision of.... yup, manna.
There was a quote in the sermon notes that really stood out to me (not that I was getting the idea already!!!). It said, "God will not hold you accountable for how much you have done, but for how much you have done that he asked you to do."
Read it again.
I knew what God was asking me to do. I knew that the money He had entrusted me with was actually not mine. He had already been showing me that I need to live for today, and be obedient to what He asked me to do TODAY, because tomorrow isn't promised. And, I realized that in order to be in a position to receive more from the Lord, perhaps I needed to be a little more "empty".
And, God also positioned my heart in such a way, that I was cheerfully giving (2 Corinthians 9:7 - which also talks about giving what we have already decided in our hearts to give). I had already decided to be the means of provision for my friend, even before knowing how much that might require of me.
Is it scary? Yes. Does it look foolish to others? Absolutely. But I know what God asked me to do, and yesterday I wrote (and mailed) the check for the designated amount that God told me.
I once heard an analogy relating to the cost of faith and trust. It went something like this:
If I come to a stream in life that is 5' across, is it really faith to say "oh man, i really hope I can get across this one?". What about when the streams come that are ten-fifteen feet across? Now that may take a lot more effort, and a running start, but they're fairly achievable.
What about when you come up to the Red Sea, which is estimated to be over 200 MILES across. Now that is faith, to stand at the edge and rest in the confidence of God's ability to get you across (or over or through).
You really have to trust that in God's ability to be who He says that He is in order to reach the other side. Trust is realizing that nothing in our own ability could bring about the result of faith (being certain of that which we do not see, and being sure of what we hope for - Hebrews 11:1).
Do I know how the SOW in Denver is going to be paid for? No. Do I know if I will even be able to go? No. But, I do know that MY GOD is BIG enough. If He can cause the water of a sea to be build up and dry land to part through the middle of it, than surely He can provide for me.
Can I trust God? With all that I am, I do.
"Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?" (Matthew 6:26)
This week, I heard those words for my Papa, God. And this time it really is a matter of deep conviction to trust. Now, I usually associate the words "faith" and "trust" with each other, because a lot of times in matters of trust, there is faith involved, and vise versa.
Last Friday I received a text message from a friend, with a web address attached, and the words "I'm going"... The url wasn't specific in the nature of the site, so I figured it must be a conference or something. She also stated that she wasn't sure how she would afford it, but that she had registered, and was trusting God to provide for what He told her to do. Immediately I felt a tug on my heart. I knew God was asking me to be the one to help bring this about for her. Thinking it was simply a conference or something (nothing to expensive right?), I mentally agreed to help with the costs of it.
It was a busy day, and I didn't end up looking up the website until later that night, and what I found was profoundly different than what I had been expecting. This was not just a weekend conference, this was a trip - possibly costing several hundreds to thousands of dollars. I didn't see anything about how much it cost to go on one of the trips, but I did hear God tell me a dollar amount that I was supposed to give to this friend. I questioned God. For two days. "Are you really sure that amount, God?" "I could maybe do half that..?!?" He was asking me to give roughly a third of my bank account (that I have been so diligently trying to build up in preparation for YWAM). Deep breath. "okay, God."
Since the beginning of January (around the time of my car accident), God had been continually speaking to me one simply word. "Manna". Over and over again, I heard Him speaking to me about trusting Him with TODAY. "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of its own" (Matthew 6:34). Again and again, I trusted him; with my health, where I was going to live, finances for YWAM, the turning of events when the school in Montana got postponed, redirection and then the letdown of not getting to move to Germany, etc. But this, this was a HUGE step.
"Do you trust me?", I heard God asked once again. "Do you believe that I will take care of your tomorrows?" I tried to reason with God, "But... there's only a month until the SOW in Denver starts, and I still have a lot of money to raise". "Than that's a lot of tomorrows you're going to have to trust me with", I heard God reply.
Another deep breath.
Sunday came. My pastor has been going through the book of Exodus "until God says to stop", and this week he was teaching on tithing, using the example of the Isrealites need to trust God, and His provision of.... yup, manna.
There was a quote in the sermon notes that really stood out to me (not that I was getting the idea already!!!). It said, "God will not hold you accountable for how much you have done, but for how much you have done that he asked you to do."
Read it again.
I knew what God was asking me to do. I knew that the money He had entrusted me with was actually not mine. He had already been showing me that I need to live for today, and be obedient to what He asked me to do TODAY, because tomorrow isn't promised. And, I realized that in order to be in a position to receive more from the Lord, perhaps I needed to be a little more "empty".
And, God also positioned my heart in such a way, that I was cheerfully giving (2 Corinthians 9:7 - which also talks about giving what we have already decided in our hearts to give). I had already decided to be the means of provision for my friend, even before knowing how much that might require of me.
Is it scary? Yes. Does it look foolish to others? Absolutely. But I know what God asked me to do, and yesterday I wrote (and mailed) the check for the designated amount that God told me.
I once heard an analogy relating to the cost of faith and trust. It went something like this:
If I come to a stream in life that is 5' across, is it really faith to say "oh man, i really hope I can get across this one?". What about when the streams come that are ten-fifteen feet across? Now that may take a lot more effort, and a running start, but they're fairly achievable.
What about when you come up to the Red Sea, which is estimated to be over 200 MILES across. Now that is faith, to stand at the edge and rest in the confidence of God's ability to get you across (or over or through).
You really have to trust that in God's ability to be who He says that He is in order to reach the other side. Trust is realizing that nothing in our own ability could bring about the result of faith (being certain of that which we do not see, and being sure of what we hope for - Hebrews 11:1).
Do I know how the SOW in Denver is going to be paid for? No. Do I know if I will even be able to go? No. But, I do know that MY GOD is BIG enough. If He can cause the water of a sea to be build up and dry land to part through the middle of it, than surely He can provide for me.
Can I trust God? With all that I am, I do.
"Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?" (Matthew 6:26)
Sunday, 27 February 2011
the winding road
It's been a few weeks now, but I found out that the SOW in Lakeside has been postponed until Fall 2011. I was devastated at first, but began to see the hand of God moving in my life. This season has been one of testing, for sure!
Within a week or so of finding this out, I had the possibility of moving to Germany for a year as a nanny through the agency I work for. I was thrilled about this opportunity, and prayed so much into it. I really felt like it might happen... Then, last week, I found out I wasn't accepted for the job. Again, I looked to God for answers and direction.
For now, I am pursuing the YWAM School of Worship in Denver, Colorado starting in April. It's looking positive so far, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I know that wherever this winding road takes me, God will be there - to hold, guide, protect, and speak to me.
There's a lot more to this journey... but I thought you all might like an update. :)
I am continuing to sell my CD to raise money for YWAM, and those who have donated already will still be apart of sending me wherever God leads in order to grow and mature me!
When I found out the spring school in Montana was postponed, my friend told me these encouraging words: "Sometimes God doesn't care so much about what we are doing for Him, but how our character is being formed into the likeness of Him." I know that even if I am not directly serving in music, or developing my skills in a strict setting, I will be living out the call of God on my life, in whatever capacity that looks like for the moment.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed, laughed, cried, and walked this journey with me. It's truly a blessing to have you along for this journey.
Following Him,
Within a week or so of finding this out, I had the possibility of moving to Germany for a year as a nanny through the agency I work for. I was thrilled about this opportunity, and prayed so much into it. I really felt like it might happen... Then, last week, I found out I wasn't accepted for the job. Again, I looked to God for answers and direction.
For now, I am pursuing the YWAM School of Worship in Denver, Colorado starting in April. It's looking positive so far, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I know that wherever this winding road takes me, God will be there - to hold, guide, protect, and speak to me.
There's a lot more to this journey... but I thought you all might like an update. :)
I am continuing to sell my CD to raise money for YWAM, and those who have donated already will still be apart of sending me wherever God leads in order to grow and mature me!
When I found out the spring school in Montana was postponed, my friend told me these encouraging words: "Sometimes God doesn't care so much about what we are doing for Him, but how our character is being formed into the likeness of Him." I know that even if I am not directly serving in music, or developing my skills in a strict setting, I will be living out the call of God on my life, in whatever capacity that looks like for the moment.
Thanks to all of you who have prayed, laughed, cried, and walked this journey with me. It's truly a blessing to have you along for this journey.
Following Him,
Thursday, 20 January 2011
The Adventure is on it's Way....
As you know, I have been planning on heading to Lakeside, Montana for the YWAM School Of Worship (SOW) for a couple months now. God has continued to confirm this to me, and I am so excited that it's only 10 weeks away! I have been selling my CDs and working two jobs, and have been so blessed by the generosity of those you have already given towards this trip. But, I still neeed $1000 dollars before April 1st for the lecture phase, and another $3500 for the outreach.
The last couple weeks have brought on some very unexpected financial challenges. On January 3rd, my parents asked me to start looking for a new place to live for the remainder of my time before heading to Montana, and two days later I was in a car accident. Talk about feeling a lot of financial pressure! I do not have collision insurance, so have to pay for the damage done to my car (totally about $350.00).
But I do want to share with you one of the many ways that God has provided for me in all of this. Last Thursday (Jan 12) I was working at the Christian bookstore (where I am also selling my CD) and a woman came in whom I had sung in choir with at my church last year. We began talking as I was ringing up the items she was purchasing and I mentioned that I was selling my CD for a suggested donation of $10. She was so impressed by what I had done, and where God is taking me that she gave me $20 for the CD. On Saturday, I was at a youth retreat with my church, and received a call from my boss at the bookstore. He was delighted to tell me how this woman had come in again, thrilled about my CD after listening to it, and she decided to by 4 more!!! She was generous beyond belief, paying $20 for each CD. I was astonished!!! God surely knows my needs and is SO faithful to be providing for them!
I hope you will prayerfully consider financially supporting me in this adventure! Please let your friends know about my music too: www.lindseysmusic.bandcamp.com -
you could be apart of God's destiny to bring healing and freedom through the gift of worship He's given me!
Thanks for your prayers, love, and support in my life so far!
Following Him,
Lindsey Diacogiannis
The last couple weeks have brought on some very unexpected financial challenges. On January 3rd, my parents asked me to start looking for a new place to live for the remainder of my time before heading to Montana, and two days later I was in a car accident. Talk about feeling a lot of financial pressure! I do not have collision insurance, so have to pay for the damage done to my car (totally about $350.00).
But I do want to share with you one of the many ways that God has provided for me in all of this. Last Thursday (Jan 12) I was working at the Christian bookstore (where I am also selling my CD) and a woman came in whom I had sung in choir with at my church last year. We began talking as I was ringing up the items she was purchasing and I mentioned that I was selling my CD for a suggested donation of $10. She was so impressed by what I had done, and where God is taking me that she gave me $20 for the CD. On Saturday, I was at a youth retreat with my church, and received a call from my boss at the bookstore. He was delighted to tell me how this woman had come in again, thrilled about my CD after listening to it, and she decided to by 4 more!!! She was generous beyond belief, paying $20 for each CD. I was astonished!!! God surely knows my needs and is SO faithful to be providing for them!
I hope you will prayerfully consider financially supporting me in this adventure! Please let your friends know about my music too: www.lindseysmusic.bandcamp.com -
you could be apart of God's destiny to bring healing and freedom through the gift of worship He's given me!
Thanks for your prayers, love, and support in my life so far!
Following Him,
Lindsey Diacogiannis
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