Wow! Lecture phase of DTS is over and we are preparing for outreach! It's been an incredible journey of over and over again experiencing God's faithfulness and presence! I have learned a LOT, and am so grateful for the many things that God has revealed to me, freed me from, and restored in me. He is incredibly good, and SO SO SO faithful!!!
Outreach! I will be leaving next Monday, January 5th for India for 3 months! I am very excited and have attached a newsletter of more information about what we are doing and how you can support me. I am in a team of 10 girls, and have 3 leaders (as I may have mentioned previously), and believe God has a special anointing on our team to shake India with the Holy Spirit! I am very excited, but also a little nervous. But, today I started fasting and praying (which I will continue throughout the week) and am very encouraged by what God spoke to me and revealed to me in my times of prayer.
In India we will be doing much traveling, starting in the west near Bombay for about 3 weeks, then going east. From there (I'm not sure what the city is called), we will move north to Calcutta. After a couple weeks there, we will split into two groups and some will go to Nepal, and the others will go to Bangladesh. I believe that I should go with the Bangladesh group.
Please pray for me!
- For team unity
- For spiritual protection
- For boldness and faith
- For financial provision
- For signs, wonders, and miracles (we believe it's going to happen!)
THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT, LOVE, and PRAYERS FOR ME!!!! You are apart of changing the world for Christ!
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Saturday, 20 December 2008
recap of the last few months.. intro to the future
In the New Testament, Matthew urges us to proclaim the love of God to all people everywhere - “Go, therefore, into all the world, and make disciples of all nations…” - Matthew 28:19. Since the beginning of October, I have been equipping myself to fulfill this call that God has placed on my life; I have been doing a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), in Herrnhut, Germany. Some of the topics that have been taught are: Spiritual Warfare, Relationships, The Father Heart of God, Discovering Identity, Worship, and Evangelism, as well as a few others. My life has been incredibly changed by the loving kindness of my Savior. I have learned to humbly submit, not only my pride, but also every aspect of my life – my finances, family, future, etc. to God. My passion for worship has deepened, and I am growing in my ability to lead others in adoration of our King. In addition I have come to a greater understanding of who I am in Christ, the authority I posses, and how much God loves me. In turn, I have fallen so much deeper in love with Him.
In the New Year I will be traveling to India and I will be working partially with a group called Pick-A- Pocket. The purpose of this trip, and the mission of this organization, is to use the arts to call this generation to end extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is this: the state of poverty in which a person cannot meet the basic needs of life. A victim of extreme poverty lives on less than $1.25 per day, and likely does not have access to food, water, shelter, sanitation, or health care. We believe that a solution to this problem is within reach. Their circumstances and the environment that they live in limit the people we are going to come to know. We are seeking to radically alter their lives by bringing awareness to the state of extreme poverty. There is a solution, and we want to show is to the world. We believe that with the help of the Holy Spirit, and by loving sacrificially, we can change the world. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
That is my goal and desire – to be a witness for God to the ends of the earth, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
In the New Year I will be traveling to India and I will be working partially with a group called Pick-A- Pocket. The purpose of this trip, and the mission of this organization, is to use the arts to call this generation to end extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is this: the state of poverty in which a person cannot meet the basic needs of life. A victim of extreme poverty lives on less than $1.25 per day, and likely does not have access to food, water, shelter, sanitation, or health care. We believe that a solution to this problem is within reach. Their circumstances and the environment that they live in limit the people we are going to come to know. We are seeking to radically alter their lives by bringing awareness to the state of extreme poverty. There is a solution, and we want to show is to the world. We believe that with the help of the Holy Spirit, and by loving sacrificially, we can change the world. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
That is my goal and desire – to be a witness for God to the ends of the earth, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Last Week of Lecture Phase
Wow... time has gone by so fast! SO much has happened in the last 11 weeks! It's been an incredible journey! God's faithfulness has been evident along the entire way! He has shown me not only that He is with me in everything, but He has become my everything. I have learned: to continually surrender myself to His will, to challenge my beliefs and thought patterns, that God can speak through anyone, and can use even the craziest of people to bring about His truth, and that 80% of the time the right answer is either "Jesus" or "relationships". haha... that's an inside joke, I guess you'd have to be here! :)
I leave for outreach in about 3 weeks and am looking forward to spending 3 months in India. I know this is what God has called me to at this time, and though I have doubts sometimes, I know that God is going to meet me there, and reveal great things to me. I received a word today in prayer declaring that God has something really big waiting for me in India/on outreach... so I am looking forward to seizing every opportunity to accomplish His will! I have been so inspired the last couple weeks to seek God's radical miracles in my life too. I want to share stories like the ones that our speakers have been sharing; I want to declare God greatness through stories of His provision, protection, faithfulness, timing, etc. I am SO excited for how God is going to use me and my team to shake India! His word says that we will do even greater things than Jesus did, and I so look forward to giving testimony of God's power and greatness in bringing to pass this promise.
I leave for outreach in about 3 weeks and am looking forward to spending 3 months in India. I know this is what God has called me to at this time, and though I have doubts sometimes, I know that God is going to meet me there, and reveal great things to me. I received a word today in prayer declaring that God has something really big waiting for me in India/on outreach... so I am looking forward to seizing every opportunity to accomplish His will! I have been so inspired the last couple weeks to seek God's radical miracles in my life too. I want to share stories like the ones that our speakers have been sharing; I want to declare God greatness through stories of His provision, protection, faithfulness, timing, etc. I am SO excited for how God is going to use me and my team to shake India! His word says that we will do even greater things than Jesus did, and I so look forward to giving testimony of God's power and greatness in bringing to pass this promise.
Thanks for your prayers and continued support! It has definitely made a difference! Please continue to lift me up in prayer. Especially in relation to outreach, and my team. Please pray for a continued surrendering of wills, and that we would really pursue love and learn how to see each other as God see us. And also that we would see ourselves as God sees us, so that we can act in humble confidence and grow in deeper relation with one another! Also pray against sickness and spiritual oppression, as there are heavy spirits over India.
"...The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective..."
"...The prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective..."
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Lindsey <><
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
I Need You...
So... I am learning that we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, need each other, and need to have the humility to admit our need for each other. And, I need all of you, my wonderful friends, family members, and supporters!
Here are some things that I need prayer for:
*Finances for outreach - I have the individual responsibility of bringing in 2000 Euro, which I have most of, but also as a team member need to be aware of the needs of my "sisters". Please also pray for the financial needs it will take to create the book we are making on outreach. We want this to be a high-quality book, but need the support and finances to bring it about as God has laid it on our hearts.
*I need a backpack for outreach. The bags that I have are either too small or too large...So please pray that I either 1) find an inexpensive one to buy or 2) am blessed with the generosity of others in giving one to me.
*Team Unity - this weekend we are having an all-day team building event, that will hopefully bring our team closer together. Pray that issues will be worked through with grace and love, and that through this experience we actually do draw closer in unity. Also pray for unity among my leaders, they are 4 gals from 3 nations with 2 languages.
*Unity in the book project. There are two teams that will be putting together this book (to bring awareness of extreme poverty to the world through photography and interactive storytelling) in two countries. Please pray that God will intervene in this project and in all of the finances and logistics of actually printing and publishing this book. Pray also for the unity between our teams, as we are not going to be together until after we return from outreach, when the book should be about 90% finished.
Thanks for being the wonderful people that God created each of you to be, and for supporting me in this! It truly is a blessing to be able to travel the world, learn more about myself and God, and share His love with the people around me! I need you... thanks for being there for me!
Lindsey <><
Here are some things that I need prayer for:
*Finances for outreach - I have the individual responsibility of bringing in 2000 Euro, which I have most of, but also as a team member need to be aware of the needs of my "sisters". Please also pray for the financial needs it will take to create the book we are making on outreach. We want this to be a high-quality book, but need the support and finances to bring it about as God has laid it on our hearts.
*I need a backpack for outreach. The bags that I have are either too small or too large...So please pray that I either 1) find an inexpensive one to buy or 2) am blessed with the generosity of others in giving one to me.
*Team Unity - this weekend we are having an all-day team building event, that will hopefully bring our team closer together. Pray that issues will be worked through with grace and love, and that through this experience we actually do draw closer in unity. Also pray for unity among my leaders, they are 4 gals from 3 nations with 2 languages.
*Unity in the book project. There are two teams that will be putting together this book (to bring awareness of extreme poverty to the world through photography and interactive storytelling) in two countries. Please pray that God will intervene in this project and in all of the finances and logistics of actually printing and publishing this book. Pray also for the unity between our teams, as we are not going to be together until after we return from outreach, when the book should be about 90% finished.
Thanks for being the wonderful people that God created each of you to be, and for supporting me in this! It truly is a blessing to be able to travel the world, learn more about myself and God, and share His love with the people around me! I need you... thanks for being there for me!
Lindsey <><
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Falling in Love
Wow, I am beginning to really understand what it means to grow to love someone. I have been getting to know the most wonderful man! He is incredible; I love him so much. Jesus is the most wonderful person I could ever know, and I am thrilled to be spending eternity with Him. Oh wow, I just can't fully describe how brilliant he is. Each day I experience him in a fresh way. He is such an incredible friend; he never changes, is never fickle, and his love is steadfast. It is such a joy to know him, even in the minute way that I do. His greatness is far beyond human intellect, his grace knows no bounds, and his beauty is astounding. I feel like a little girl who is giddy when she's around the boy she has a "crush" on. I can't help but smile when I feel his presence around me. The intimacy we share is unbreakable, and better than any human experience I have had or will or could have.
Thanks for your love, mercy, beauty, passion.... You are the One! You are SO Wonderful, SO Incredible, SO Beautiful, SO Passionate, and SO Gracious!
I am forever captivated by You! Ich liebe dich, Jesus!
Thanks for your love, mercy, beauty, passion.... You are the One! You are SO Wonderful, SO Incredible, SO Beautiful, SO Passionate, and SO Gracious!
I am forever captivated by You! Ich liebe dich, Jesus!
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
"What Keeps Me from You"
"What Keeps Me from You"
a poem by Lindsey Diacogiannnis
24, October 2008
Is it pain from my past,
Or the hurt in my present,
Is it the fear of the future,
what keeps me from you.
Would I know if you touched me,
Or has my heart become hard,
Would I accept if you helped me,
Or is my independence robbing me of you,
Are you trying to reach me,
Have my ears turned away,
Can I feel that you long to love me,
Or has my heart been stolen away,
What keeps me from letting go,
What prevents me from feeling your touch,
Am I living in bondage,
Am I holding a grudge,
Jesus I want more of you,
Heal my broken heart,
Take away my pride,
Wipe away my shame,
Cleanse me from my sin,
Let me enter in,
I desire your presence,
Please give me rest,
I'm crawling back to you,
Leaving the pain of my past,
I'm returning to your fold,
Letting go of fear of the future,
Come pick me up,
Carry me away,
Breathe your life,
Let me stay
a poem by Lindsey Diacogiannnis
24, October 2008
Is it pain from my past,
Or the hurt in my present,
Is it the fear of the future,
what keeps me from you.
Would I know if you touched me,
Or has my heart become hard,
Would I accept if you helped me,
Or is my independence robbing me of you,
Are you trying to reach me,
Have my ears turned away,
Can I feel that you long to love me,
Or has my heart been stolen away,
What keeps me from letting go,
What prevents me from feeling your touch,
Am I living in bondage,
Am I holding a grudge,
Jesus I want more of you,
Heal my broken heart,
Take away my pride,
Wipe away my shame,
Cleanse me from my sin,
Let me enter in,
I desire your presence,
Please give me rest,
I'm crawling back to you,
Leaving the pain of my past,
I'm returning to your fold,
Letting go of fear of the future,
Come pick me up,
Carry me away,
Breathe your life,
Let me stay
a poem by Lindsey Diacogiannis
23, October 2008
A beating heart pounds,
Like the rain on a tin roof,
A sad tear falls,
Like the sun at day's end,
A loud cry is heard,
Like the sound of thunder,
Emotion evoked,
Like the changing of seasons,
The body reacts,
Like trees to the weather,
A temperament shift,
Like a cloud coming over,
A cold shiver breaks,
Like the dead of winter,
A man, lost and lonely,
Like a bear without sleep,
Moans in the darkness,
Like the howl of wind,
Darkness drawing closer,
Like the absence of stars,
A bead of sweat seeps,
Like dew on the grass,
The bones ache,
Like an old bent tree,
The spirit restless,
Like the herding of sheep,
Finally peace comes,
Like the dawn of new day,
The body awakened,
Like the flower in bloom,
The eyes are dried,
Like tall wheat stalks,
A heart beat softened,
Like the wool of a lamb,
A thirst has been quenched,
Like an oasis in sand,
A face filled with gladness,
Like the sun's bright beams,
A man overtaken,
Like a soft breeze blown,
The changes that come,
When healing is done.
a poem by Lindsey Diacogiannis
23, October 2008
A beating heart pounds,
Like the rain on a tin roof,
A sad tear falls,
Like the sun at day's end,
A loud cry is heard,
Like the sound of thunder,
Emotion evoked,
Like the changing of seasons,
The body reacts,
Like trees to the weather,
A temperament shift,
Like a cloud coming over,
A cold shiver breaks,
Like the dead of winter,
A man, lost and lonely,
Like a bear without sleep,
Moans in the darkness,
Like the howl of wind,
Darkness drawing closer,
Like the absence of stars,
A bead of sweat seeps,
Like dew on the grass,
The bones ache,
Like an old bent tree,
The spirit restless,
Like the herding of sheep,
Finally peace comes,
Like the dawn of new day,
The body awakened,
Like the flower in bloom,
The eyes are dried,
Like tall wheat stalks,
A heart beat softened,
Like the wool of a lamb,
A thirst has been quenched,
Like an oasis in sand,
A face filled with gladness,
Like the sun's bright beams,
A man overtaken,
Like a soft breeze blown,
The changes that come,
When healing is done.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
a poem by Lindsey Diacogiannis
17, October 2008
Before there was time,
I had called you mine,
I had called you by name,
And I died to take your shame,
Before your parents knew of you,
I knew your eyes would be blue,
Your hair would be curly and dark,
Your beauty a sign of my mark,
Before the foundations of the earth,
I had already destined your worth,
I had planted my gifts within you,
Even before you were tissue,
Before you were inside your mother,
I already called you daughter,
Your future was in the making,
You were destined to do great things,
Before there was time,
You were mine.
a poem by Lindsey Diacogiannis
17, October 2008
Before there was time,
I had called you mine,
I had called you by name,
And I died to take your shame,
Before your parents knew of you,
I knew your eyes would be blue,
Your hair would be curly and dark,
Your beauty a sign of my mark,
Before the foundations of the earth,
I had already destined your worth,
I had planted my gifts within you,
Even before you were tissue,
Before you were inside your mother,
I already called you daughter,
Your future was in the making,
You were destined to do great things,
Before there was time,
You were mine.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
A Message from YWAM Herrnhut's Base Director
This is a note that YWAM Herrnhut's base director, Jan Schlegel, wrote. I thought it might interesting to see how his perspectives on things also.
"Warm greetings from YWAM Herrnhut!
Two weeks ago, the adventure of our Discipleship Training School started in Herrnhut its that time again! The weeks before it started were filled with trembling, excitement and challenges. Applications for the school came in often, and while that made us excited, it also challenged us. The school we have running now is currently with 87 students YWAMs biggest DTS taking place in Europe, and its so exciting to be a part of watching young people search for a deeper and more real relationship to Jesus as well as ask for their calling.
With all these students, we first had to answer the question of accommodation for everyone as well as have space enough for the teachings! From our past experience, we knew we would have challenges, only this time, the situation was even more extreme. We knew we could not fit this many people into our just renovated, but much too small, lecture hall/dining room. Therefore, we now have a heated tent with solid walls standing in our castle garden.
One week before the beginning of out DTS, we still didnt have accommodation for about 20 of our students. We were feverishly seeking for apartments were daily praying that God might open doors for us. Then we finally found a house at the other end of the village that had been vacant for some time, and one week after the school started, 25 students and staff could move in. We gave every application serious consideration, and by the time the school started, every space in the Water Castle and in our rented apartments was filled. Even the lecture/dining room temporarily served as accommodation! Its tight right now, but somehow, it works well. Of course there arent just logistic challenges: long lines during the breaks and in front of the toilets, too few showers and thats not even mentioning our kitchen, which is used the most in this kind of situation. Its been an exciting start of the school and we seem to be doing well with it!
During the first week, students and staff got to know one another. Its important for the students to gain a good understanding of where we are, who and what Youth With A Mission is, how we work, what our values, vision and culture are and what our goals are.
Right after our introduction, the teaching started. The topic was how God speaks to us and how we can hear His voice. The teaching led into a time of prayer where staff and students prayed for healing for one another. Some came with physical ailments; others wanted prayer for healing in their hearts and minds. The other staff and students gathered around the group of about 20 people and the first ones started to pray. Gods presence was strongly felt. One student had a fractured ankle and came to the prayer time with crutches. After the time was over, they left the time without them!
Others were healed from depression, problems with their back and other various diseases. God revealed His power, and the acting of the Spirit was obvious. Nothing of what happened was planed or expected by us - it just happened on the second day of our school! God is acting in this school, and He does it through His presence and power more than we were able to imagine. Of course, many questions had to be answered by our staff after this remarkable time of prayer, since out students are coming from many different church backgrounds and cultures.
Please pray for this school season. We are very dependent on Him and His acting and intervention. Many of the students gave up everything to come to us and participate in the DTS. They want opportunities and long to find out what are the good things God has prepared for them. They want to know their calling and walk in it, and they are ready to leave everything behind that is separating them from Jesus and His plans."
Many blessings....
Lindsey <><
"Warm greetings from YWAM Herrnhut!
Two weeks ago, the adventure of our Discipleship Training School started in Herrnhut its that time again! The weeks before it started were filled with trembling, excitement and challenges. Applications for the school came in often, and while that made us excited, it also challenged us. The school we have running now is currently with 87 students YWAMs biggest DTS taking place in Europe, and its so exciting to be a part of watching young people search for a deeper and more real relationship to Jesus as well as ask for their calling.
With all these students, we first had to answer the question of accommodation for everyone as well as have space enough for the teachings! From our past experience, we knew we would have challenges, only this time, the situation was even more extreme. We knew we could not fit this many people into our just renovated, but much too small, lecture hall/dining room. Therefore, we now have a heated tent with solid walls standing in our castle garden.
One week before the beginning of out DTS, we still didnt have accommodation for about 20 of our students. We were feverishly seeking for apartments were daily praying that God might open doors for us. Then we finally found a house at the other end of the village that had been vacant for some time, and one week after the school started, 25 students and staff could move in. We gave every application serious consideration, and by the time the school started, every space in the Water Castle and in our rented apartments was filled. Even the lecture/dining room temporarily served as accommodation! Its tight right now, but somehow, it works well. Of course there arent just logistic challenges: long lines during the breaks and in front of the toilets, too few showers and thats not even mentioning our kitchen, which is used the most in this kind of situation. Its been an exciting start of the school and we seem to be doing well with it!
During the first week, students and staff got to know one another. Its important for the students to gain a good understanding of where we are, who and what Youth With A Mission is, how we work, what our values, vision and culture are and what our goals are.
Right after our introduction, the teaching started. The topic was how God speaks to us and how we can hear His voice. The teaching led into a time of prayer where staff and students prayed for healing for one another. Some came with physical ailments; others wanted prayer for healing in their hearts and minds. The other staff and students gathered around the group of about 20 people and the first ones started to pray. Gods presence was strongly felt. One student had a fractured ankle and came to the prayer time with crutches. After the time was over, they left the time without them!
Others were healed from depression, problems with their back and other various diseases. God revealed His power, and the acting of the Spirit was obvious. Nothing of what happened was planed or expected by us - it just happened on the second day of our school! God is acting in this school, and He does it through His presence and power more than we were able to imagine. Of course, many questions had to be answered by our staff after this remarkable time of prayer, since out students are coming from many different church backgrounds and cultures.
Please pray for this school season. We are very dependent on Him and His acting and intervention. Many of the students gave up everything to come to us and participate in the DTS. They want opportunities and long to find out what are the good things God has prepared for them. They want to know their calling and walk in it, and they are ready to leave everything behind that is separating them from Jesus and His plans."
Many blessings....
Lindsey <><
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Ordinary Things
The last week and a half of lecture phase I have been learning how to hear God's voice, and that sometimes he chooses to speak through ordinary things and in many ways. Today while doing my work duty (which is to sweep and mop the cellar stairs, and clean the lecture hall) God spoke to me through dirty mop water. I was part way through mopping the stairs when I noticed the water was getting really gross, so I decided to add a little more cleaning solution to it. As I did, God revealed to me through this dirty mop water something about our spiritual lives. When we noticed that our lives are getting kinda mucked up and dirty, we start to pour good things into our life. We may read the Bible more, pray more, sing in worship more, or memorize scripture, but until we allow God to take the bucket (our lives, us) and dump out the dirty water (sin, temptation, distractions, etc.) we will only be adding to our lives and not fully be cleansed. One thing I have been learning is that there is a difference between being changed, and being transformed. Adding the cleaning solution to the water changed it, but the water was still nasty. Adding more of God to our lives changes us, but until we allow Him to "take out the trash", we are still filthy. When we allow God's redeeming love to touch us, and accept the forgiveness and grace that God is giving, then we will be transformed! God doesn't just want us to change and be different, He wants to make us new!
Also, an update on my back: I went to the hospital yesterday and got x-rayed. I found out that nothing was broken, I just have deep bruising in my ribs! So praise the LORD for His protection! I seriously could have been in critical condition! Thanks to all of you who have been lifting me up in prayer!
Learning and growing,
Linds <><
Also, an update on my back: I went to the hospital yesterday and got x-rayed. I found out that nothing was broken, I just have deep bruising in my ribs! So praise the LORD for His protection! I seriously could have been in critical condition! Thanks to all of you who have been lifting me up in prayer!
Learning and growing,
Linds <><
Sunday, 12 October 2008
The Fall
Ok, so many of you know that I'm a pretty adventurous girl, and I like to have fun! Well, sometimes those things combined get me hurt - remember Ultimate Frisbee + torn ACL three years ago....
Well, Friday night I thought it would be fun to take some of my friends here to a giant A-frame swing in the woods here. So, we went for a walk and found the swing. We were swinging pretty high, and trying to be careful not to hurt ourselves. I even was pretty scared that the guy with us, Brady, would be the one to get hurt. We were also discussing how this swing would not be legal in the USA because people would get hurt and then would file a lawsuit. So, yes, we were aware of the potential danger of swinging on this swing. We were trying some things to try to make it more fun, like lifting our feet off it and swinging from the bars (you stand on this swing). So, I don't actually remember what happened... but apparently I grabbed onto the top bar and lifted my feet, but then my hands slipped and I hit the swing, then the swing hit me, and then I hit the ground. Like I said, I don't remember even reaching up to grab the top bar. I just remember becoming conscious on the ground and feeling my whole body tingling. It felt more like electrical current was surging through my body. Christen was next to me telling me it was okay, while Brady was holding the swing back, because apparently I landed underneath it. (I'm still not really sure how this all happened).
Anyway, I was able to get up and walk back to the castle (about a 10 minute walk). My depth-perception was off for a little bit, but it cleared up in a short time. I took all yesterday to rest and try to recoup. My friend, leader, and 1-on-1, Stephanie, stayed with me all night and woke me up every two hours to make sure I didn't stay sleeping for too long.
Today I am much better. My back has gained a lot more mobility and strength, but will still probably be sore for a few days. My head is fine though, besides the cut I got.
So, thanks to those who have prayed for me. Continue to pray for complete healing in my back, as I may have broken a rib. But no worries... it's okay.
Here are some pictures.... the swing picture is actually from my time here in April. But, we were going about that high when I fell.

Well, Friday night I thought it would be fun to take some of my friends here to a giant A-frame swing in the woods here. So, we went for a walk and found the swing. We were swinging pretty high, and trying to be careful not to hurt ourselves. I even was pretty scared that the guy with us, Brady, would be the one to get hurt. We were also discussing how this swing would not be legal in the USA because people would get hurt and then would file a lawsuit. So, yes, we were aware of the potential danger of swinging on this swing. We were trying some things to try to make it more fun, like lifting our feet off it and swinging from the bars (you stand on this swing). So, I don't actually remember what happened... but apparently I grabbed onto the top bar and lifted my feet, but then my hands slipped and I hit the swing, then the swing hit me, and then I hit the ground. Like I said, I don't remember even reaching up to grab the top bar. I just remember becoming conscious on the ground and feeling my whole body tingling. It felt more like electrical current was surging through my body. Christen was next to me telling me it was okay, while Brady was holding the swing back, because apparently I landed underneath it. (I'm still not really sure how this all happened).
Anyway, I was able to get up and walk back to the castle (about a 10 minute walk). My depth-perception was off for a little bit, but it cleared up in a short time. I took all yesterday to rest and try to recoup. My friend, leader, and 1-on-1, Stephanie, stayed with me all night and woke me up every two hours to make sure I didn't stay sleeping for too long.
Today I am much better. My back has gained a lot more mobility and strength, but will still probably be sore for a few days. My head is fine though, besides the cut I got.
So, thanks to those who have prayed for me. Continue to pray for complete healing in my back, as I may have broken a rib. But no worries... it's okay.
Here are some pictures.... the swing picture is actually from my time here in April. But, we were going about that high when I fell.
Friday, 10 October 2008
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
The Acts of Modern Day Apostles
Notice: the things in this blog have to do with the works and power of the Holy Spirit. This is just my quick explanation of things as the LORD worked in my life in the last week, and may be confusing or misinterpreted, so I ask that you read with discretion and know that some things may to be further clarified. I am sorry if anything is unclear, vague, or misinforming, hopefully you will be able to read with an open mind and heart, and leave judgment aside. thanks! :)
The last few weeks I have been reading through the book of Acts, and I have felt over and over again that God is calling me to do great things like the apostles. I have prayed to be known as Stephen is know in the book of Acts, whenever he is mentioned a phrase follows His name describing him as a man full of the Holy Spirit, a man full of faith and power, etc. God kept telling me that He is about big things and wants me to continue to dream big, and go after big things. Many of the staff and students here too have been impressed by the Holy Spirit that God has anointed this DTS to do BIG things! That the things that God did in Acts, He wants to do today, in our lives.
On Monday we heard from our leaders that there are several students that are not here who are supposed to be here. One of my friends here, Taylor, organized a meeting to fast for lunch where we would gather together and pray for those who are not here. Even though this is the biggest DTS in Europe ever, and though we have had to trust God for housing for all of us, we know that God has called more people here and we are besieging Heaven on their behalf.
We joined together again on Tuesday night to pray on their behalf, that the will of God would be done in each of their lives, and if they are supposed to be here that God would work powerfully in getting them here. It has been an amazing time of prayer in both German and English. God is moving in our hearts and has given us visions and hopes for these students that are not here. We received confirmations among us over them. God gave me a vision over one girl, and confirmed the same vision to another girl who was German. It happened multiple times with many of us. I had one vision for one of the guys that is coming, but felt like it wasn't complete, and another girl said she had a vision that finished the vision I had been given. We prayed for 3 and a half hours, and called the students after we prayed for each one. They were all so touched, and we are hoping that they each get here soon. There is supposed to be a guy from India arriving yesterday, but we heard there were some flight difficulties, so we're hoping things work out soon!
Tuesday morning was also a powerful time, and I received healing! Praise the LORD. We had finished our first lecture time of the day and Lucy, one of the DTS leaders, asked that anyone who was sick wold come and receive prayer. I didn't think I should go up because many times I have asked for prayers of healing for my chest deformity and heart pain. After a few moments the Holy Spirit said I should go up and ask for prayer, so I did. I was crying and praying in the Spirit as I went forward. The Holy Spirit had overcome me. Soon I was lying on the floor, eyes closed, crying, and still praying in the Spirit (in a hushed voice); I couldn't stop. DTS staff gathered around me and prayed over me. I don't really remember the order of how things happened, but the following hour and a half was life-changing. One of the other DTS leaders, Jen, prayed confirmation over me saying, "It's okay. You're safe. You don't have to wear masks anymore. God wants you to come to Him like a child. He wants you to be free to be a child again." This was such a confirmation to what He has been teaching me the last month! It's awesome! I kept crying out to God to heal my bones and heart, and then Jon, the 3rd DTS leader, started praying over those of us that were up front, and casting things out of us. At that moment all the pain I have had in the last 11 years came at once, and my chest hurt SO bad! I felt that there was a spirit of oppression inside of me that I did not know about. I could feel that it did not want to come out, as Jon was casting things out. Then he began praying about our identity in Christ, and when he said that we are child of Jesus. When he said the name of Jesus, I felt the spirit leave me and I stopped crying and praying in the spirit (up until that point I hadn't been able to stop). My eyes still remained close, and I was unable to open them. Even though I was already on the floor I felt like my body dropped. Rest came over me. I knew the Holy Spirit wasn't done with me yet so I just remained lying there. A girl went forward to share a vision that she had received and began describing Jesus, standing before each of us holding a cup. As this was being translated, God began to speak to me, and said that in the cup was the Holy Spirit, and he said, "Taste, and see that the LORD is good!" Later on, Josiah (DTS staff), was playing guitar and began singing "taste and see that the LORD is good". It was a beautiful confirmation of what God is asking of me. Someone had also come and given me a piece of paper with a verse on it, so I went to read it. It was Psalms 51:12 "Restore unto me the joy of my salvation..." I wasn't exactly sure what it was supposed to mean for me, so I asked God to reveal it to me in His time. That afternoon I checked my email and decided to randomly check a friend's blog. I hadn't read it for weeks, and she actually hadn't even posted since the end of August. The latest post was titled "Mmmm Good" and had a picture of some sort of espresso. I thought, "interesting. what's this about" and began to read. She began to share about the goodness of the LORD and said, "Taste and see that the LORD is good". Apparently God is wanting me to not only know of His goodness but to taste of it also. :)
This last week has been an incredible time of fellowship with my Jesus. He has shown himself to me in new ways, and I am learning what it really means to love God with not only your heart and soul, but also with your mind! I am so excited for what He has for me and the other students here in the next 6 months!
The last few weeks I have been reading through the book of Acts, and I have felt over and over again that God is calling me to do great things like the apostles. I have prayed to be known as Stephen is know in the book of Acts, whenever he is mentioned a phrase follows His name describing him as a man full of the Holy Spirit, a man full of faith and power, etc. God kept telling me that He is about big things and wants me to continue to dream big, and go after big things. Many of the staff and students here too have been impressed by the Holy Spirit that God has anointed this DTS to do BIG things! That the things that God did in Acts, He wants to do today, in our lives.
On Monday we heard from our leaders that there are several students that are not here who are supposed to be here. One of my friends here, Taylor, organized a meeting to fast for lunch where we would gather together and pray for those who are not here. Even though this is the biggest DTS in Europe ever, and though we have had to trust God for housing for all of us, we know that God has called more people here and we are besieging Heaven on their behalf.
We joined together again on Tuesday night to pray on their behalf, that the will of God would be done in each of their lives, and if they are supposed to be here that God would work powerfully in getting them here. It has been an amazing time of prayer in both German and English. God is moving in our hearts and has given us visions and hopes for these students that are not here. We received confirmations among us over them. God gave me a vision over one girl, and confirmed the same vision to another girl who was German. It happened multiple times with many of us. I had one vision for one of the guys that is coming, but felt like it wasn't complete, and another girl said she had a vision that finished the vision I had been given. We prayed for 3 and a half hours, and called the students after we prayed for each one. They were all so touched, and we are hoping that they each get here soon. There is supposed to be a guy from India arriving yesterday, but we heard there were some flight difficulties, so we're hoping things work out soon!
Tuesday morning was also a powerful time, and I received healing! Praise the LORD. We had finished our first lecture time of the day and Lucy, one of the DTS leaders, asked that anyone who was sick wold come and receive prayer. I didn't think I should go up because many times I have asked for prayers of healing for my chest deformity and heart pain. After a few moments the Holy Spirit said I should go up and ask for prayer, so I did. I was crying and praying in the Spirit as I went forward. The Holy Spirit had overcome me. Soon I was lying on the floor, eyes closed, crying, and still praying in the Spirit (in a hushed voice); I couldn't stop. DTS staff gathered around me and prayed over me. I don't really remember the order of how things happened, but the following hour and a half was life-changing. One of the other DTS leaders, Jen, prayed confirmation over me saying, "It's okay. You're safe. You don't have to wear masks anymore. God wants you to come to Him like a child. He wants you to be free to be a child again." This was such a confirmation to what He has been teaching me the last month! It's awesome! I kept crying out to God to heal my bones and heart, and then Jon, the 3rd DTS leader, started praying over those of us that were up front, and casting things out of us. At that moment all the pain I have had in the last 11 years came at once, and my chest hurt SO bad! I felt that there was a spirit of oppression inside of me that I did not know about. I could feel that it did not want to come out, as Jon was casting things out. Then he began praying about our identity in Christ, and when he said that we are child of Jesus. When he said the name of Jesus, I felt the spirit leave me and I stopped crying and praying in the spirit (up until that point I hadn't been able to stop). My eyes still remained close, and I was unable to open them. Even though I was already on the floor I felt like my body dropped. Rest came over me. I knew the Holy Spirit wasn't done with me yet so I just remained lying there. A girl went forward to share a vision that she had received and began describing Jesus, standing before each of us holding a cup. As this was being translated, God began to speak to me, and said that in the cup was the Holy Spirit, and he said, "Taste, and see that the LORD is good!" Later on, Josiah (DTS staff), was playing guitar and began singing "taste and see that the LORD is good". It was a beautiful confirmation of what God is asking of me. Someone had also come and given me a piece of paper with a verse on it, so I went to read it. It was Psalms 51:12 "Restore unto me the joy of my salvation..." I wasn't exactly sure what it was supposed to mean for me, so I asked God to reveal it to me in His time. That afternoon I checked my email and decided to randomly check a friend's blog. I hadn't read it for weeks, and she actually hadn't even posted since the end of August. The latest post was titled "Mmmm Good" and had a picture of some sort of espresso. I thought, "interesting. what's this about" and began to read. She began to share about the goodness of the LORD and said, "Taste and see that the LORD is good". Apparently God is wanting me to not only know of His goodness but to taste of it also. :)
This last week has been an incredible time of fellowship with my Jesus. He has shown himself to me in new ways, and I am learning what it really means to love God with not only your heart and soul, but also with your mind! I am so excited for what He has for me and the other students here in the next 6 months!
Monday, 6 October 2008
The Start of Something New
But first, an update from the weekend. Friday afternoon a group of about 10 of us from the base (mostly photo DTS students) left for Dresden to visit an Islamic Mosque. Our leader (who is also one of the school leaders), Jon, went there before and was invited back by the Muslim he had met before. I wasn't too interested at first in going, but once I went to the information meeting, I really felt like I should go. I was really excited to be going for an informal meeting to share our beliefs with the Muslims. Once getting to Dresden, we walked around the block that the Mosque was on, and prayed for God to go before us in this meeting. We went in and met with the men that were there; they were very hospitable, but we found out that it was more because of their obligation, than their desire. God began to work in my heart as we were there. The more we talked and shared our beliefs, the more the Muslim men said that they agreed with us, and that we believed the same things. It was really frustrating because they are SO deceived! They blatantly lied to us also about some of their believes. My heart broke for them! One of the men brought is small daughter there, Jasmin, who was about 6 years old. My heart broke for her. I saw no hope for her future - growing up Muslim. She was brought into a world of deception, lies, fear, and no love. I wanted so badly to scoop her up and show love to her. She laughed some, but I knew it was only shallow happiness of this world, and not the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit. We also got to experience one of their 5 required prayer times, in which they recite part of the Q'uran (Koran). This broke my heart; they prayed to Allah (God), but the relationship was not there. There was no personhood to this being that they recited empty words to, no personalization to their prayers.
After we enjoyed a meal with them, listened to them read from the Q'uran, and discussing more of the "similarities" between our religions, they had to pray again, so we decided it would be a good time to leave. We had been there for about 4 hours. After we left, we walked down the street and then gathered around for a prayer of closer. God had really broken my heart for these people and as the others prayed that the Muslims eyes would be opened to the truth, tears began to stream down my cheeks. I could stop thinking about how hopeless Jasmin's future is apart from God, and how the men that we met were so religious and decieved that it seemed hopeless that they would ever see the truth either. I just stood there, holding hands with one of the girls that I have become close to, and cried. I was later reminded of a word that had been prayed over me about 3 months ago, of me going to many nations and declaring the love and truth of Lord. The woman that prayed over me also said that she saw me in Arab clothing, preaching and teaching and telling world leaders about the love of God. I believe that God is calling me to a Muslim country for outreach, but we have not yet found out where the outreach locations are yet.
On a lighter note... after getting our stuff settled for the night at the Salvation Army that we stayed at for the night, we decided to go and walk around the city for a few hours. Some people went out for some food, other just walked around and took pictures; Bethany (my good friend, and a base leader), Melody (the girl whom I mentioned previously), and I decided to just walk around, chat, and see if we could find a cafe. After wandering around we decided we should head back towards the main street, and on the way we found a nice cafe where we had gelato and tea. When we finished, it was time to meet up with the rest of the group at a designated place. I was certain that my mental tracking was accurate. After getting sligtly turned around, and actually only taking one wrong turn, I decided to stop and verballing go over the way we had gone, and how to get back to where we needed to be. Thankfully, my mental notes proved to be accurate, and we made it back to the group only 20 minutes late. We then had to take the tram back to the Salvation Army, which included one tranfer. We got off the first tram, and then Jon realized that we needed to be at a different station on the a differnt street that branched off from the one we were one. He looked, and saw that the tram we needed to be one was coming....and then turned down the other street. We started walking towards where it was stopped, but Jon did not think that we could make it in time. I thought otherwise. I measured the distance and guessed that it was less than 100m away... I had run that in track and was confident I would get there in time to hold the tram. So... I took off. I sprinted to the tram and reached it just as the doors where closing to take off. Thankfully I have long arms, and reached out to hit the button on the outside of the doors that makes them open. Yes, I had made it in time to hold the tram for the others. When they saw that I had made it, the started running too. Praise the Lord. We all made it on! I was out of breath, but the run was good, and thankfully I had been wearing my crocs, and not my other pair of shoes that would not have been good to sprint in. :)
Well, I actually have to go now... there's an orientation meeting that I need to attend, but I will update again soon and tell you all about the arrival of new students, moving, and the start of DTS.
Following His Lead,
Lindsey <><
After we enjoyed a meal with them, listened to them read from the Q'uran, and discussing more of the "similarities" between our religions, they had to pray again, so we decided it would be a good time to leave. We had been there for about 4 hours. After we left, we walked down the street and then gathered around for a prayer of closer. God had really broken my heart for these people and as the others prayed that the Muslims eyes would be opened to the truth, tears began to stream down my cheeks. I could stop thinking about how hopeless Jasmin's future is apart from God, and how the men that we met were so religious and decieved that it seemed hopeless that they would ever see the truth either. I just stood there, holding hands with one of the girls that I have become close to, and cried. I was later reminded of a word that had been prayed over me about 3 months ago, of me going to many nations and declaring the love and truth of Lord. The woman that prayed over me also said that she saw me in Arab clothing, preaching and teaching and telling world leaders about the love of God. I believe that God is calling me to a Muslim country for outreach, but we have not yet found out where the outreach locations are yet.
On a lighter note... after getting our stuff settled for the night at the Salvation Army that we stayed at for the night, we decided to go and walk around the city for a few hours. Some people went out for some food, other just walked around and took pictures; Bethany (my good friend, and a base leader), Melody (the girl whom I mentioned previously), and I decided to just walk around, chat, and see if we could find a cafe. After wandering around we decided we should head back towards the main street, and on the way we found a nice cafe where we had gelato and tea. When we finished, it was time to meet up with the rest of the group at a designated place. I was certain that my mental tracking was accurate. After getting sligtly turned around, and actually only taking one wrong turn, I decided to stop and verballing go over the way we had gone, and how to get back to where we needed to be. Thankfully, my mental notes proved to be accurate, and we made it back to the group only 20 minutes late. We then had to take the tram back to the Salvation Army, which included one tranfer. We got off the first tram, and then Jon realized that we needed to be at a different station on the a differnt street that branched off from the one we were one. He looked, and saw that the tram we needed to be one was coming....and then turned down the other street. We started walking towards where it was stopped, but Jon did not think that we could make it in time. I thought otherwise. I measured the distance and guessed that it was less than 100m away... I had run that in track and was confident I would get there in time to hold the tram. So... I took off. I sprinted to the tram and reached it just as the doors where closing to take off. Thankfully I have long arms, and reached out to hit the button on the outside of the doors that makes them open. Yes, I had made it in time to hold the tram for the others. When they saw that I had made it, the started running too. Praise the Lord. We all made it on! I was out of breath, but the run was good, and thankfully I had been wearing my crocs, and not my other pair of shoes that would not have been good to sprint in. :)
Well, I actually have to go now... there's an orientation meeting that I need to attend, but I will update again soon and tell you all about the arrival of new students, moving, and the start of DTS.
Following His Lead,
Lindsey <><
Monday, 29 September 2008
Let All that I am Praise the LORD
"Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise His holy name. Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he has done for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like eagle's! The LORD gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly."
Psalm 103:1-6
God gave me this passage today during our morning devotions while I was helping lead worship. It has been such a privilege and blessing to be apart of the worship team. Today was the first day that I helped lead, but the last few days that we have practiced have been so encouraging. I was randomly walking by the lecture hall where the others (Corban, Tim, and Ana) were meeting to practice and stopped to see what they were up to. Tim (also from Lynden and is on staff here) asked if I would like to join them and further asked if I would like to be apart of leading worship for the devotional times. I was filled with so much joy, as worship is a huge passion of mine, and I so wanted to be able to use my gifts to glorify God and lead others in praise as well.
I am praising the LORD with all that I am!
Psalm 103:1-6
God gave me this passage today during our morning devotions while I was helping lead worship. It has been such a privilege and blessing to be apart of the worship team. Today was the first day that I helped lead, but the last few days that we have practiced have been so encouraging. I was randomly walking by the lecture hall where the others (Corban, Tim, and Ana) were meeting to practice and stopped to see what they were up to. Tim (also from Lynden and is on staff here) asked if I would like to join them and further asked if I would like to be apart of leading worship for the devotional times. I was filled with so much joy, as worship is a huge passion of mine, and I so wanted to be able to use my gifts to glorify God and lead others in praise as well.
I am praising the LORD with all that I am!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Willkommen zu Herrnhut (welcome to Herrnhut)
I have finally arrived in Herrnhut, Germany for YWAM! After a long day and a half of traveling I finally made it! It was a long, tiring journey, but I am so glad to be here again and am ready to see what God has in store for me.
Already today, I have felt a great sense of assurance in being here at this time -before the lecture phase starts. This morning the school leader, Lucy, was talking to all of us girls (the photo DTS students have been here for about a month now) after a time of worship and I was so blessed with what she shared.
"I see that all of you ladies are on a narrow path, and there are things outside the path that are calling to you. Even some of the guys are the "voices" calling to you - 'oh, he's cute', 'maybe God brought me here to meet the one', etc. But God did not call you here to play with your heart, He doesn't do that. God called you here at this time for a reason. You are different. There is a spirit about you all that is different, but you have to keep your focus on God. He has called you here to know Him. When you know God, you will trust Him, and when you trust Him, you will love Him. God has called you here to know Him. God is totally for relationships, but relationships aren't #1, God is! And He wants to reveal Himself to us! We have to have the right focus - to know God. Are you willing to give up everything to have God? The table is there for us. And we have to accept the things that God has prepared for us. God wants to give you a new heart. He doesn't fix your heart, He gives you a new one. The Holy Spirit is there for you. He won't let you down. Get to know God."
It was really good to hear that the leader has a heart for us to know God and not be distracted by other things! While I am here before lecture phase starts, I will be helping in the kitchen with prep and clean up for coffee break. I am excited to help serve others and be able to use my kitchen experience.
blessings from Germany!
Already today, I have felt a great sense of assurance in being here at this time -before the lecture phase starts. This morning the school leader, Lucy, was talking to all of us girls (the photo DTS students have been here for about a month now) after a time of worship and I was so blessed with what she shared.
"I see that all of you ladies are on a narrow path, and there are things outside the path that are calling to you. Even some of the guys are the "voices" calling to you - 'oh, he's cute', 'maybe God brought me here to meet the one', etc. But God did not call you here to play with your heart, He doesn't do that. God called you here at this time for a reason. You are different. There is a spirit about you all that is different, but you have to keep your focus on God. He has called you here to know Him. When you know God, you will trust Him, and when you trust Him, you will love Him. God has called you here to know Him. God is totally for relationships, but relationships aren't #1, God is! And He wants to reveal Himself to us! We have to have the right focus - to know God. Are you willing to give up everything to have God? The table is there for us. And we have to accept the things that God has prepared for us. God wants to give you a new heart. He doesn't fix your heart, He gives you a new one. The Holy Spirit is there for you. He won't let you down. Get to know God."
It was really good to hear that the leader has a heart for us to know God and not be distracted by other things! While I am here before lecture phase starts, I will be helping in the kitchen with prep and clean up for coffee break. I am excited to help serve others and be able to use my kitchen experience.
blessings from Germany!
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
It's Today, It's Today, It's Today
Today's the day! I will be leaving in about 12 hours to head to Seattle and then from there to Frankfurt, Germany! After I arrive in Frankfurt, I will have a connecting flight to Dresden, and from there will board a train to Loebau where I will be picked up and driven to Herrnhut!
I am SO excited to be taking this step in following the Lord. Thanks to all of you who have helped me on this journey either through financial, prayer, or emotional support! I consider it an honor to be traveling, learning more about God and myself, and sharing His love with the nations!
If you would like to write to me or send me a package my address will be:
Lindsey Diacogiannis
Untere Dorfstr. 56
02747 Ruppersdorf
feel free to email me also:
I will have internet connection for the first three months while I am in Germany, but don't know after that. I will do my best to keep you all up to date with what God is doing in my life, and what I am up to!
In His Grip,
Lindsey <><
I am SO excited to be taking this step in following the Lord. Thanks to all of you who have helped me on this journey either through financial, prayer, or emotional support! I consider it an honor to be traveling, learning more about God and myself, and sharing His love with the nations!
If you would like to write to me or send me a package my address will be:
Lindsey Diacogiannis
Untere Dorfstr. 56
02747 Ruppersdorf
feel free to email me also:
I will have internet connection for the first three months while I am in Germany, but don't know after that. I will do my best to keep you all up to date with what God is doing in my life, and what I am up to!
In His Grip,
Lindsey <><
Friday, 12 September 2008
"Go, therefore, into all the world..."
With only 12 days left before I leave for Germany for 6 months, I am spending a lot of time with my family. Unfortunately, I will not be able to spend time with my dear twin sister Carissa, as she is staying in Argentina until Nov.
Jeremiah is also away in Amman, Jordan,
but fortunately I spent time with him before he left in August.
I will surely miss my wonderful family while I am away!
Jeremiah is also away in Amman, Jordan,
but fortunately I spent time with him before he left in August.
I will surely miss my wonderful family while I am away!
I love my family!!!!!
Monday, 8 September 2008
Travels Part 2 -pictures
Monday, 1 September 2008
Nightly Reading
The other night, as I was finishing my reading through Mark, I was reading chapter 15, and it was talking about how Jesus was being crucified, and the people were mocking him. As I read, I felt discontent with just "knowing" the story. I asked God to show me something new, "God, this passage is so familiar, please show me something deeper". As I read, I thought about how easy it would have been for Jesus to get off the cross and prove His identity to the people. They mocked him saying, "he saved others, can't he save himself?" I just kept thinking how it was not even a question as to whether or not He could come down from the cross and prove to them that He is the Son of God, and then it dawned on me that He just submitted Himself to the will of the Father. By doing so still expressed his Lordship; the Roman official even said, "surely this was the Son of God". Through this God spoke to me and it dawned on my that I don't have to do anything to prove my worth to people either. When I humbly submit myself to the will of the Father, my identity in Christ shows through. I don't have to prove anything, because I am grounded in Him and in submission is evidence of my heavenly relations.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
words of encouragment
This passage of scripture was a huge encouragement to me tonight, so I thought I'd share it.
"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other, let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if we don't feel guilty, we can come to God with bold confidence. And we will receive from him whatever we ask because we obey him and do the things that please him."
1 John 3:18-22
1 John 3:18-22
I have been learning a lot about my feelings, and being able to recognize lies and truth about myself. It is so reassuring to hear that God is so much greater than our feelings, and that we are not guilty in His sight! Hmmm.... good word!
Hey! So, I am not neglecting my blog, but am visiting with my wonderful older sister, Cassie. Unfortunately, I forgot the right cord to my camera and cannot upload my pictures yet (we also tried her memory card transfer cord too).
So, for now you'll have to wait until next week before I upload more pictures and stories of my time here! It has been a blast; we've had a lot of fun, shared some great laughs, shed some tears, ate Red Robin (being that she works there, I've spent much time there too!), and enjoyed the bond of sisterhood!
I love you, Cass!
So, for now you'll have to wait until next week before I upload more pictures and stories of my time here! It has been a blast; we've had a lot of fun, shared some great laughs, shed some tears, ate Red Robin (being that she works there, I've spent much time there too!), and enjoyed the bond of sisterhood!
I love you, Cass!
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Where to begin? What to say? My life has been a whirlwind these last few weeks, trying to figure out what God really wants for me and what decisions he wants me to make. What truly is God's will for me at this time?
I've thought things were God's will, and thought that I was making the right decisions, but with more prayer and the wisdom of those who love me, I have realized that I haven't honestly been seeking what is the best for me. Not to say that my decisions have been bad, but at times they have been not been the very best that God has for me. It's been humbling to actually listen to what others have to say, and not just hear them. Taking into consideration the love and concern that has been shared with me has not always been easy, but I think that it will definitely be rewarding in the end.
I'm beginning to find myself, amidst the numerous masks that I have put on over the years. It's not easy to try to find yourself, especially when you aren't sure what you look like. I have to figure out what to strip away, what to hang on to, and how to become whole once again in my identity in Christ. I have started by identifying and declaring the truth of what God says about me. On my walls I have posted the "I Am's" that are true of me. I am not the I AM, but by the grace of God I am who I am. And I am on a new journey in discovering who that fully is, and how to make it fully alive in Christ!
Embark with me on this journey, please. I need help, and am now finally willing to humble myself and ask for it. I can't do it on my own. I need help. I give you permission to use the Bible as it is indented to teach, rebuke, correct, and train me in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).
I've thought things were God's will, and thought that I was making the right decisions, but with more prayer and the wisdom of those who love me, I have realized that I haven't honestly been seeking what is the best for me. Not to say that my decisions have been bad, but at times they have been not been the very best that God has for me. It's been humbling to actually listen to what others have to say, and not just hear them. Taking into consideration the love and concern that has been shared with me has not always been easy, but I think that it will definitely be rewarding in the end.
I'm beginning to find myself, amidst the numerous masks that I have put on over the years. It's not easy to try to find yourself, especially when you aren't sure what you look like. I have to figure out what to strip away, what to hang on to, and how to become whole once again in my identity in Christ. I have started by identifying and declaring the truth of what God says about me. On my walls I have posted the "I Am's" that are true of me. I am not the I AM, but by the grace of God I am who I am. And I am on a new journey in discovering who that fully is, and how to make it fully alive in Christ!
Embark with me on this journey, please. I need help, and am now finally willing to humble myself and ask for it. I can't do it on my own. I need help. I give you permission to use the Bible as it is indented to teach, rebuke, correct, and train me in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).
Monday, 4 August 2008
Another Look at the Will of God
One of the most widely discussed topics among Christians and in churches is probably God's will and trying to define that. Many people, myself included, have asked questions like: "what is God's will for my life?" and "how can I find God's best?"
This has definitely been one of the most prominent questions and thoughts for me this last year. For about two months (January and February) I wrestled with God about my future. I knew he wanted me to complete my degree at the community college, but my heart was restless in trying to figure out what He had for me after that. Finally, after praying and thinking and more praying, I felt like God was clearly leading me to pursue Youth With A Mission (YWAM). After bringing me ease in that area, I still had to decide which base to go to and when. There was one school in Australia that really peeked my interest that began in June, a few in California that brought some interest, but I still was not at peace with a location. In April (as my previous posts have stated), I went to Herrnhut, Germany for a short-term mission trip and was given clear direction to return there in October. This thrilled me! I felt so at peace with where God was calling me, though I had never even considered Germany as an option.
You're probably wondering why I am again reiterating the fact that God has called me to Germany when I have stated so in other posts. But, ya know, the thing about God is that He is sometimes very mysterious and works in unexpected ways. Back in June, I quite my job and was going to move to Oregon to live with my big sister, but unfortunately due to a lack of housing situation was not able to move. This left me jobless and homeless. I found housing with some friends, and began praying about where God wanted me to work, and whether or not He wanted me to move somewhere. A few days passed and my friend, Stephanie invited me to come live with her in Kirkland and work with her at a Christian camp. I was so excited and began planning yet another move. A few more days passed and I got an e-mail from one of the directors at the camp saying that they no longer had full-time summer positions. I was bummed. It looked like I wouldn't be moving after all. July rolled around and my mom suggested I look into working at the family camp in Oregon that they were going to at the end of July. I called the camp director and talked to a friend on Facebook (who was working there) and it looked like I would be able to go and work for the summer. But, due to more circumstances and unclear communication I called the camp director's wife to confirm the job opportunity, two days before my family was leaving. Once again the opportunity fell through and I was not able to go. Each time plans fell through to move I figured that God must have something in mind to keep me here. I didn't know if it was someone I was supposed to meet, service that I was supposed to give, prayer that I was supposed to receive or what, but I knew God must want me to stay here because the doors to leave kept being shut. After receiving prayer from Katie I thought that that was for sure one of the reasons I was supposed to stay here. God brought so much healing and freedom through that and I would have missed it if I had moved away. I also would have missed out on an incredible friendship that has developed and grown so quickly in the last month. After praying for Jesse at family night one night we started talking and haven't stopped. :) Our friendship has grown so quickly and so strong and we indent to be friends for life! Each of us has made mistakes in our pasts, but we look beyond that and focus on all the awesome things that God is doing in our lives right now, and how He has been so faithful to each of us and bringing us to each other.
Sometimes the will of God isn't spelled out for us, and we have to make decisions based on God's moral will (the Bible) and wisdom. Because God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his promises in Christ Jesus, he can take our decisions - the wise and the foolish- and make something beautiful out of them. He certainly has done that with Jesse and I. Though others might be skeptical of our relationship and the speed at which it was reached, we base it on the promises and love of God that transcends all bounds. We know that God has brought us to each other for a reason and are standing on the foundation of God's truth. While praying last night God told me to look up Isaiah 51:7. I didn't even know if this was a verse, but thought "okay God, what do you want to tell me?" and opened my Bible to a divine revelation. It read, "Listen to me you who know right from wrong, you who cherish my law in your heart. Do not be afraid of people's scorn, nor fear their insults." This gave me so much peace about my relationship with Jesse, because we had been dealing with what other people thought of our relationship and how they would react to us. It put me at such a peace to know that the Lord is behind us, and all the doors that could have led me away were closed in order for me to be here and enjoy this fellowship with God and friends.
I am reading a great book right now that was given to me by my brother that explores decision making and God's will. It has been so helpful in clarifying how God's will is broken up and how to make wise decision that correspond with His will. It's an interesting thing to try to pinpoint, but I don't think that's what we should try to do. We are called to walk in obedience to God's moral will and make decisions based on those principles, and I believe that it what I am doing. I would encourage each of you to search for God's will and honor him in your decision making. Also,the book I am reading is called "Decision Making and the Will of God" by Garry Friesen, and I would definitely recommend it!
This has definitely been one of the most prominent questions and thoughts for me this last year. For about two months (January and February) I wrestled with God about my future. I knew he wanted me to complete my degree at the community college, but my heart was restless in trying to figure out what He had for me after that. Finally, after praying and thinking and more praying, I felt like God was clearly leading me to pursue Youth With A Mission (YWAM). After bringing me ease in that area, I still had to decide which base to go to and when. There was one school in Australia that really peeked my interest that began in June, a few in California that brought some interest, but I still was not at peace with a location. In April (as my previous posts have stated), I went to Herrnhut, Germany for a short-term mission trip and was given clear direction to return there in October. This thrilled me! I felt so at peace with where God was calling me, though I had never even considered Germany as an option.
You're probably wondering why I am again reiterating the fact that God has called me to Germany when I have stated so in other posts. But, ya know, the thing about God is that He is sometimes very mysterious and works in unexpected ways. Back in June, I quite my job and was going to move to Oregon to live with my big sister, but unfortunately due to a lack of housing situation was not able to move. This left me jobless and homeless. I found housing with some friends, and began praying about where God wanted me to work, and whether or not He wanted me to move somewhere. A few days passed and my friend, Stephanie invited me to come live with her in Kirkland and work with her at a Christian camp. I was so excited and began planning yet another move. A few more days passed and I got an e-mail from one of the directors at the camp saying that they no longer had full-time summer positions. I was bummed. It looked like I wouldn't be moving after all. July rolled around and my mom suggested I look into working at the family camp in Oregon that they were going to at the end of July. I called the camp director and talked to a friend on Facebook (who was working there) and it looked like I would be able to go and work for the summer. But, due to more circumstances and unclear communication I called the camp director's wife to confirm the job opportunity, two days before my family was leaving. Once again the opportunity fell through and I was not able to go. Each time plans fell through to move I figured that God must have something in mind to keep me here. I didn't know if it was someone I was supposed to meet, service that I was supposed to give, prayer that I was supposed to receive or what, but I knew God must want me to stay here because the doors to leave kept being shut. After receiving prayer from Katie I thought that that was for sure one of the reasons I was supposed to stay here. God brought so much healing and freedom through that and I would have missed it if I had moved away. I also would have missed out on an incredible friendship that has developed and grown so quickly in the last month. After praying for Jesse at family night one night we started talking and haven't stopped. :) Our friendship has grown so quickly and so strong and we indent to be friends for life! Each of us has made mistakes in our pasts, but we look beyond that and focus on all the awesome things that God is doing in our lives right now, and how He has been so faithful to each of us and bringing us to each other.
Sometimes the will of God isn't spelled out for us, and we have to make decisions based on God's moral will (the Bible) and wisdom. Because God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his promises in Christ Jesus, he can take our decisions - the wise and the foolish- and make something beautiful out of them. He certainly has done that with Jesse and I. Though others might be skeptical of our relationship and the speed at which it was reached, we base it on the promises and love of God that transcends all bounds. We know that God has brought us to each other for a reason and are standing on the foundation of God's truth. While praying last night God told me to look up Isaiah 51:7. I didn't even know if this was a verse, but thought "okay God, what do you want to tell me?" and opened my Bible to a divine revelation. It read, "Listen to me you who know right from wrong, you who cherish my law in your heart. Do not be afraid of people's scorn, nor fear their insults." This gave me so much peace about my relationship with Jesse, because we had been dealing with what other people thought of our relationship and how they would react to us. It put me at such a peace to know that the Lord is behind us, and all the doors that could have led me away were closed in order for me to be here and enjoy this fellowship with God and friends.
I am reading a great book right now that was given to me by my brother that explores decision making and God's will. It has been so helpful in clarifying how God's will is broken up and how to make wise decision that correspond with His will. It's an interesting thing to try to pinpoint, but I don't think that's what we should try to do. We are called to walk in obedience to God's moral will and make decisions based on those principles, and I believe that it what I am doing. I would encourage each of you to search for God's will and honor him in your decision making. Also,the book I am reading is called "Decision Making and the Will of God" by Garry Friesen, and I would definitely recommend it!
Thursday, 17 July 2008
So I have been planning on traveling back to Germany since I was there in April, but today I finally received an email confirming my acceptance to Youth With A Mission (YWAM)'s 6-month Discipleship Training School starting October 2nd. I am so excited to see where God takes me and how He uses me to reach the nations for His Kingdom!
Thanks to all of you who have been such an encouragement in my life!
If you would like to support me in any way or would enjoy hearing about my adventure via email updates please email me at
In Pursuit of Him,
Lindsey <><
Friday, 11 July 2008
A Key and A Flower
So, last night was such an incredible time with God and friends. Every Wednesday a friend of mine has a bunch of people over to his house for "family night"- a time of food, fellowship, worship, and prayer. After shooting a potato gun, playing 'flyer's up', and eating pizza, we headed into the family room for a time of worship through music. After a few songs, another friend, Katie, offered to pray for anyone that needed prayer and it turned into a 2 hour prayer time for brothers and sisters. After praying over two of my brothers, and seeing my good friend Matt receive revelation and a touch from the Holy Spirit, I asked for prayer.
I have been experiencing some spiritual attack over the last three months, and have not allowed God into some areas of my life. I expressed a desire for freedom from spiritual attack, and also peace in walking out what I know God has called me to do and silence from the enemy.
The prayer that I received was seriously life-changing! God poured out his heart through the words that he gave my brothers and sisters, especially Katie. I just want to share some of what she prayed over me (from her perspective):
"Lindsey, God has called you to a higher level of purity. He wants you to be free from guilt and shame because He has made you pure! You are forgiven and everything in your past is wiped away! You don't have to worry about any of it. You are free. I just see you as a beautiful flower that God is blooming!
I just pray a silence over the things and people that are getting in the way of God's dream for you. He is going to bring you into this next step in your life and the fulfillment of your dreams. You are going to be a powerful instrument for Him. I see a picture of you holding keys and God is going to use you so powerfully to unlock the hearts of many people! he is going to use you as a traveler; your words will be used powerfully in many nations to change the hearts of leaders. God has gifted you with prophesy and I silence the lie that you are not good enough for it. Lindsey, God has given you that gift and you will prophesy! God is going to use you in a mighty way in the revival that is coming to America! Oh wow! You are like a Lion that has been chained for a while by the traps of Satan, but God is stripping away those chains and is letting loose the mighty lion! You are going to be in difficult situations, but God is going to use you in them, and many will be touched by you. Lord, I just bless her hands and her speech, use the Father!
I also just sense a spirit of loneliness. You have been lonely, huh? Well, God wants to break that away, and I proclaim freedom from that bond. You are not lonely, and you don't need a guy, or even more friends; God wants to romance you once again. A new chapter is coming in your life and your dreams are going to begin to become a reality. Give them back to God so He can bless them, and then pursue them with all that you are! Go after whatever God has called you to and don't let the lies of the enemy stop you from having God's best in your life! He wants to bring you into further purity and intimacy with Him. Step out! Walk upright and ready because God is going to use you in incredible ways!"
Tears streamed down my face soon after she began to speak over me! The power of the Holy Spirit came upon her and anointed her with words! The impact of those words penetrated to the core of my being! Wow... I can't describe the incredible feeling of freedom I have, and the physical weight that I feel has been lifted from me! It is truly astounding! Praise You Jesus! Mikal, whose house we were at, also prayed over me, confirming that the things that had been spoken over me were very powerful and that I would need to remember them in the future.He then sealed them up by anointing my head with oil!
Thanks you Papa, for what you have done in my life! Thank you for the freedom that you bring, even when it feels like you aren't there. You have brought so much life back to me! Your love for me is truly unconditional and I praise you for your faithfulness to me! I want to pursue Your path for my life, and go after that which you have called me to with all that I am! I am no longer my own, but I give myself back to you! I want Your #1 Best for my life, and want to stop settling for less than that! Bring confirmation to the words that have been spoken over me and reveal the pieces of your plan to me in time, that I might walk out what you desire.
I have been experiencing some spiritual attack over the last three months, and have not allowed God into some areas of my life. I expressed a desire for freedom from spiritual attack, and also peace in walking out what I know God has called me to do and silence from the enemy.
The prayer that I received was seriously life-changing! God poured out his heart through the words that he gave my brothers and sisters, especially Katie. I just want to share some of what she prayed over me (from her perspective):
"Lindsey, God has called you to a higher level of purity. He wants you to be free from guilt and shame because He has made you pure! You are forgiven and everything in your past is wiped away! You don't have to worry about any of it. You are free. I just see you as a beautiful flower that God is blooming!
I just pray a silence over the things and people that are getting in the way of God's dream for you. He is going to bring you into this next step in your life and the fulfillment of your dreams. You are going to be a powerful instrument for Him. I see a picture of you holding keys and God is going to use you so powerfully to unlock the hearts of many people! he is going to use you as a traveler; your words will be used powerfully in many nations to change the hearts of leaders. God has gifted you with prophesy and I silence the lie that you are not good enough for it. Lindsey, God has given you that gift and you will prophesy! God is going to use you in a mighty way in the revival that is coming to America! Oh wow! You are like a Lion that has been chained for a while by the traps of Satan, but God is stripping away those chains and is letting loose the mighty lion! You are going to be in difficult situations, but God is going to use you in them, and many will be touched by you. Lord, I just bless her hands and her speech, use the Father!
I also just sense a spirit of loneliness. You have been lonely, huh? Well, God wants to break that away, and I proclaim freedom from that bond. You are not lonely, and you don't need a guy, or even more friends; God wants to romance you once again. A new chapter is coming in your life and your dreams are going to begin to become a reality. Give them back to God so He can bless them, and then pursue them with all that you are! Go after whatever God has called you to and don't let the lies of the enemy stop you from having God's best in your life! He wants to bring you into further purity and intimacy with Him. Step out! Walk upright and ready because God is going to use you in incredible ways!"
Tears streamed down my face soon after she began to speak over me! The power of the Holy Spirit came upon her and anointed her with words! The impact of those words penetrated to the core of my being! Wow... I can't describe the incredible feeling of freedom I have, and the physical weight that I feel has been lifted from me! It is truly astounding! Praise You Jesus! Mikal, whose house we were at, also prayed over me, confirming that the things that had been spoken over me were very powerful and that I would need to remember them in the future.He then sealed them up by anointing my head with oil!
Thanks you Papa, for what you have done in my life! Thank you for the freedom that you bring, even when it feels like you aren't there. You have brought so much life back to me! Your love for me is truly unconditional and I praise you for your faithfulness to me! I want to pursue Your path for my life, and go after that which you have called me to with all that I am! I am no longer my own, but I give myself back to you! I want Your #1 Best for my life, and want to stop settling for less than that! Bring confirmation to the words that have been spoken over me and reveal the pieces of your plan to me in time, that I might walk out what you desire.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
A Weekend with Friends
This past weekend, while my parents were out of town on a cruise that us kids sent them on, we had some dearly loved friends up to visit. Though I no longer live at home with my family I was able to spend some time there catching up with awesome gals!
Jami and Vicky used to babysit me when I was little and also went camping with my family a few times! They are awesome gals and it was so fun to get to see them!
Cassie (big sis) and dear friend Heidi came up from Oregon to visit too! It was fun to get to hang out with them!
My oldest brother Gregg is also home now too, after spending the last four years serving in the United States Army! Welcome home bro!
We had a ton of fun playing at the park, and playing Uno!!! What a hoot! :)





We had a ton of fun playing at the park, and playing Uno!!! What a hoot! :)
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